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Author Topic: FrameXML that handles showing talents tab  (Read 1237 times)


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FrameXML that handles showing talents tab
« on: May 25, 2017, 06:25:59 am »
I'm editing the microbarbuttons in FrameXML to enable to achievements tab and talents tab at a lower level and I was able to make a method return true to allow the achievements bar to work but I cannot find a similar method for the talents tab.

This is is what I did for the achievements tab:
Code: [Select]
function HasCompletedAnyAchievement() return true

function CanShowAchievementUI() return true

But I cannot find where these come from or where they were made. I checked the TC solution and wow patch files but nothing. Is there a way to update the talents frame to allow it to be shown?

When TalentMicroButton:Enable(); is true it only makes the microbutton visible and not greyed out. How do I get that to actually return pop up the screen when clicked?

I went into the xml and set self.minlevel to 1 and that didn't work either.

Can anyone help?


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Re: FrameXML that handles showing talents tab
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2017, 11:22:28 am »
I know when I was messing with talents I had to edit the addon lua/xml so maybe there


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Re: FrameXML that handles showing talents tab
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2017, 04:01:05 pm »


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Re: FrameXML that handles showing talents tab
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2017, 04:33:25 am »
Found that using the search button

I was trying this and it wasn't working but I got it to work by using the newest constants.lua. Whenever you merge the MPQs it'll show you outdated constants from an older patch so I had to find the newest one in the newer patches.