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Author Topic: Copy a race or switching the faction?  (Read 1636 times)


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Copy a race or switching the faction?
« on: February 03, 2017, 10:55:16 pm »
Hey there...

I am just trying to make a little change to a trinity 3.3.5a server for now.
I thought about giving the player the possibility to choose, if he wants to
be at the ally or the horde.

That sounds like no change right?
What i mean, is that you could play a human on the horde or an orc at the

Do i have to copy a race and if so, how could i do this?
It would be way more easy, to just change the faction when creating a
character i guess... But at the moment i dont even know whereto start XD

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: Copy a race or switching the faction?
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2017, 05:00:13 pm »
Quote from: "wimpel"
Hey there...

I am just trying to make a little change to a trinity 3.3.5a server for now.
I thought about giving the player the possibility to choose, if he wants to
be at the ally or the horde.

That sounds like no change right?
What i mean, is that you could play a human on the horde or an orc at the

Do i have to copy a race and if so, how could i do this?
It would be way more easy, to just change the faction when creating a
character i guess... But at the moment i dont even know whereto start XD


You only have to make a sql statement in the core with your own function to change the friendly faction and then change the friendly faction to hostile faction everything done :)
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: Copy a race or switching the faction?
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2017, 08:38:28 pm »
Quote from: "fandramen"

You only have to make a sql statement in the core with your own function to change the friendly faction and then change the friendly faction to hostile faction everything done :)

okayyyy... so all i need to do is creating a new function ... i am starting wow modding and i would like to know the files i need to change, so where could i start learning :D

oh and thanks for that awesome answere :D
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: Copy a race or switching the faction?
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2017, 06:01:45 pm »
That answer actually is not so awesome, as it is, sadly, quite wrong. Making player friendly towards NPCs doesn't make him a member of a faction. It won't give him that faction's common language. It won't give him possibility to join guilds. Parties. Raids. BGs (as that faction's member). It won't enable him to use faction-specific items. It doesn't solve a problem with different start reputation values for different factions. And I could just continue.

So, you either need to make a damn lot of work in TCs code (and it might not be enough), or create a new race. I don't know how is this done on MoP with Pandaren, but WotLK simply isn't MoP anyway. Btw, I have heared that creating entirely new race isn't possible. I'm not sure if its true, but if it is, well, you would need to actually relplace some NPC race. Duplicating race itselft is quite a tedious process, you need to go through awful lot of DBCs. This is a huge and complicated task I myself would avoid. I can't recommend a beginner doing something like this, but if you are up to the challenge, you can certainly try, I can wish you best of luck in such case.

There is huge difference between making someone not be attacked by NPCs, and making him a full member of a faction.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
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Re: Copy a race or switching the faction?
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2017, 07:22:16 pm »
okay ^^ that sounds cool. Can you suggest me some tutorials to start with? I mean the coding part ^^

I guess it will become more easy, when i'm starting to study next month (Game Programming) :D yeah! ^^
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: Copy a race or switching the faction?
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2017, 08:49:13 pm »
My best guess would have to be making new races. It would require quite a bit of work, and to make them as unique as trhey can be, would require their own individual player faction as each race is a different faction grouped under on group... If that makes sense.

FactionTemplate.dbc I believe has all the current factions in game, and I heard there isn't much room to expand on it but if you're to add a copy of each race to the other side, I believe there's room.

You'll also have to edit a few other dbc files as well, and then the server's core depending on which one you're using. Trinity has a spot for enabling some of the unused races (Which you can model change to the default ones with a dbc editor) but enabling them is a different ballpark for me. There are tutorials here to do that, though not many and I think the best one I know of here doesn't have all the images it once did.

As for making it so one character can be on any side, yeah as mentioned above that is a huge undertaking with the current game code. I personally would love for that to be possible without much issue, but it would probably take years of rewriting some code and making new code just to get it to work as intended (Then again I'm not a coder so...). It seems easy, making it seem like maybe setting reputation values is enough initially until you find yourself still partied with alliance characters despite being hated by the alliance factions, showing more coding is needed to make this work as intended.

And I seen a comment about the Pandaren thing from MoP... Well, that was done via a race change script. There are three pandaren entries in the dbc file controlling the races. One for horde, one for alliance, and one that is neutral (The one players can make). The players make the neutral one, then via scripts a race change script occurs at the end of the panda starting zone story which switches the player's neutral panda to the alliance or horde race entry, depending on the choice. I didn't realize this fully until the promotion for the Warcraft movie came out which allowed me to test involving required races. (Neutral pandas never met the Pandaren requirement regardless of which horde/alliance items were shown, horde pandas couldn't use alliance versions as that panda was redded out, and alliance pandas couldn't use horde ones).
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: Copy a race or switching the faction?
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2017, 11:39:27 pm »
Trust me, creating a new race would be much, much, much easier. Yes, I think there were some tutorials for that, I am unsure where, I have never done that.

What I am sure about... you need to:
- Make a new race in CharRaces.dbc
- Make a new race/class combinations in CharBaseInfo.dbc
- Make a new factions for those races in Faction.dbc and assign them to Alliance/Horde
- Make edits in SkillRaceClassInfo.dbc in order to make skills (especially language ones) accessible to your races
- Edit character creation screen to make creating your new races possible
- Make racial spells accessible to that race in SkillLineAbilitty.dbc
- Make race/class base stats in world.play_levelstats or whatever is it called in database
- Make race/class starting points in world.playercreateinfo table

And possibly (likely) even more.

And possibly (likely) more.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
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