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Messages - infernus55

Pages: [1]
Yep, here's a screenshot.

As you I deleted  the row  with id =133(fireball). But fireball is still working correctly.
This is the only file that has not worked after editing it. I'm not able to change cast time of the spells and nothing on that is describe on that file.


Yes, I did. I've even tryied to see if it would make any difference by deleting that row on the .db2 and the fireball still worked correctly. It's really wierd.

Hi guys!

I'm using a TrinityCore server vesrsion 7.0.3, and I have been trying to make some edits on the SpellMisc.dbc but none of them seem to take any effect once I start the server and check the change. I've tried to edit the fireball spell (ID=133) by following this page and I have been using this tool . I've also used the patched wow.exe to load those dbfiles on the client. I've edited other db2 files like SpellXvisual.db2 and Spell.db2 and those worked properly.

Does anyone why modifying SpellMisc.db2 doesn't work? Are all the spells scripted on the core?

 Thx for any kind of help!

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