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Author Topic: [Trinity] Yet another spell.dbc spellclassmask request..  (Read 1707 times)


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[Trinity] Yet another spell.dbc spellclassmask request..
« on: March 12, 2017, 01:02:48 am »

I've looked all over the forums but couldn't find necessary information about this thing. Basically, all I wanna do is make a custom spell which applies a SPELL_AURA_ADD_PCT_MODIFIER effect to all spells and classes. I've tried putting 0 values in lines 123-125 but it didn't work. Can anyone enlighten me on how this works?
I saw from other spells that, f.e., Improved Blessing Of Might has a 0x2 value in this column. But where are all the spells' masks defined?


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Re: [Trinity] Yet another spell.dbc spellclassmask request..
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2017, 11:35:11 am »
I'd expect value itself to be defined on fields 75-77 and 81-83. Btw, BoM doesn't even have add_pct_mod, it only affects attack and ranged attack power Oo.

What does have aura you have written is for example tree of life, which seems to affect class spells (there are class masks defined in 123-135). So I'd say this tells WoW to affect class spells of classes which fit into those masks, somehow. It would actually make sense for your example, as 0x2 mask is paladin only. Yet, BoM doesn't have this :D. At least not BoM I looked at.
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Re: [Trinity] Yet another spell.dbc spellclassmask request..
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2017, 12:18:26 pm »
BoM was just a quick example :P. Values 75-77 and 81-83 say nothing tbh, examples:
5420 - Tree of Life: -21 at column 81
                             0x50 at 123
                             0x4000010 at 124
19416 - Efficiency: -4 at column 81
                             0x7FA00 at 123 // 522752 as int value f.e.
                             0x88801081 at 124
                             0x1 at 125

It seems like all these hexadecimal values are very different from each other; Whether it's the same class or not, I couldn't see a sequence or something like that, hence this post. AFAIK, the values in these fields are from adding up different spells you want this spell to affect, and turning them into a hex value. But what if I want the spell to actually affect ALL spells? Adding up the different spells' masks is not the way I wanna do this, i'm not even sure how I would do it. This is the most confusing thing with spell.dbc for me :/

EDIT: sure, I could just use a little script to solve this, but I want the client-side values and tooltips to be fixed too, so i'm in a real need of these columns' explanation
« Last Edit: March 12, 2017, 12:58:51 pm by mrxxx »


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Re: [Trinity] Yet another spell.dbc spellclassmask request..
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2017, 02:03:30 pm »
75-77 and 81-83 say a lot actually. Those are values of effect applied. "...I'd expect value itself...". It says +20(% in our case). Or -25(% in our case). Or +50(% in our case). They are NOT WHAT should be targeted or affected by spell, and I haven't even said anything like that :P. They are important for you mostly because they can help you with identifying what spell affects and what not, when you know exact values of an effect.

0x50 is 01010000 in bin. Those are classes 5 and 7 (priest and shaman). Thats why I assume that those class mask fields 123-135 are important here, because clearly, there is actually nothing else what could be. My guess is, that for example spell 5420 affects all spells which are flagged as shaman or priest class spells. Its a wild guess and can be only partially true, the thing is, that there is probably simply nothing else what could be doing this. Filling those masks with some experimentation might cause spell affect spells of all classes, or all spells.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2017, 02:08:26 pm by Amaroth »
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Re: [Trinity] Yet another spell.dbc spellclassmask request..
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2017, 08:42:17 am »
Been tinkering around for 10 hours with this now, it just drove me towards more confussion and no actual product. The masks in 123-131 seem to be truly damn unpredictable; For instance, I've tried to pick blizzlike talents which affect all spells of a certain spec:
Nature's Reach(16819)
Natural Shapeshifter(16833)
You would guess adding the flags of all these spec-affecting spells would turn into a whole-class hex value, but that's not really how it is. It kinda worked (excluding like 10spells which were not affected), but after adding up more values from different classes, it just became a mess. It seemed like half of the spells weren't working that were working prior to adding other classes values.
tl;dr I don't think there's a specific value for affecting all spells, also there's just too little documentation for me to figure this out... If I atleast knew how to add a single spell to the whole value, it would take like two weeks, but i'd eventually complete the whole thing :v


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Re: [Trinity] Yet another spell.dbc spellclassmask request..
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2017, 08:54:40 am »
2047 is all classes, as the highest class ID is 11. Or -1 value should work as well, so there's no need to sum masks from different spells, I'd just use this one. Sadly, I have no idea what is which of those masks for :X.
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Re: [Trinity] Yet another spell.dbc spellclassmask request..
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2017, 09:58:25 am »
2047 didn't work but I'll try -1 once I have time


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Re: [Trinity] Yet another spell.dbc spellclassmask request..
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2017, 11:31:18 am »
-1 should work for all masks, or at least a lot of them. -1 is in binary actually written as 1111111111.....111111 (just 1s for full length). So its sort of a hacky way how to write "check all options".
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Re: [Trinity] Yet another spell.dbc spellclassmask request..
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2017, 01:23:01 pm »
Yeah it worked! How could I forget -1 :P
Thank you so much for help!


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Re: [Trinity] Yet another spell.dbc spellclassmask request..
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2017, 04:43:28 am »
Just adding this here but Grymskvll made an awesome and detailed explanation for spellclassmask from spell.dbc here :
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Re: [Trinity] Yet another spell.dbc spellclassmask request..
« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2017, 10:34:08 am »
Why isn't some abstract of it on goddamned wiki already? Thanks for sharing btw.
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Re: [Trinity] Yet another spell.dbc spellclassmask request..
« Reply #11 on: March 17, 2017, 11:25:16 am »
Why isn't some abstract of it on goddamned wiki already? Thanks for sharing btw.

Go ahead and add it.


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Re: [Trinity] Yet another spell.dbc spellclassmask request..
« Reply #12 on: March 17, 2017, 12:50:42 pm »
I will ofc, when I get time to read through original post and rephrase it there.
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