GlueAmbienceTracks["DEATHKNIGHT"] = "GlueScreenIntro";
GlueAmbienceTracks["GOBLIN"] = "GlueScreenIntro";
DEATHKNIGHT = { {1, 0, 0.00000, 0.00000, -1.00000, 1.0, 0.38824, 0.66353, 0.76941, 1.0, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000}, },
GOBLIN = { {1, 0, 0.00000, 0.00000, -1.00000, 1.0, 0.15000, 0.15000, 0.15000, 1.0, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000}, {1, 0, -0.74919, 0.35208, -0.56103, 1.0, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 1.0, 0.44706, 0.54510, 0.73725}, {1, 0, 0.53162, -0.84340, 0.07780, 1.0, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 2.0, 0.55, 0.338625, 0.148825}, },
function SetBackgroundModel(model, name)
function SetBackgroundModel(model, name) local nameupper = strupper(name); if (name == "Goblin" or name == "GOBLIN") then name = "Orc"; end local path = "Interface\Glues\Models\UI_""\UI_"".m2"; if ( model == CharacterCreate ) then SetCharCustomizeBackground(path); else SetCharSelectBackground(path); end PlayGlueAmbience(GlueAmbienceTracks[nameupper], 4.0); SetLighting(model, nameupper)end
I have a question about this guide: if not mistaken, considering what I read, this guide is to create and keep in the database a new race.But I wonder how would succeed to the new playable race is really in the game? you make it through an aura? or adding to the character creation screen? And if one of these two options were correct, how you would?Thanks for your time guys.
Quote from: "Nacho"I have a question about this guide: if not mistaken, considering what I read, this guide is to create and keep in the database a new race.But I wonder how would succeed to the new playable race is really in the game? you make it through an aura? or adding to the character creation screen? And if one of these two options were correct, how you would?Thanks for your time guys.You're either lying about reading the guide or didn't read everything.This is a guide on how to active inactive races within the game.These races must be defined for them to be activated.This guide shows you how to activate the Goblin and Fel Orc races and make them playable and attach them to a faction and enable classes on them.With that you should be able to use your head and activate the rest of the races and add factions and classes to them.
Tell me why you take this so serious? Why you get rude and angry so easily? I'm going to be clear: i'm a noob on this things, i came here to learn something about it.Don't be rude with me by an internet forum, is not only discourteous, is coward also because you don't say those things personally.Going back to the topic, i ask how models become playable in-game. How they appear? Need create an aura? need create an empty space for that in the character creation screen?That's all. Cya.
Quote from: "Nacho"Tell me why you take this so serious? Why you get rude and angry so easily? I'm going to be clear: i'm a noob on this things, i came here to learn something about it.Don't be rude with me by an internet forum, is not only discourteous, is coward also because you don't say those things personally.Going back to the topic, i ask how models become playable in-game. How they appear? Need create an aura? need create an empty space for that in the character creation screen?That's all. Cya.You're to arrogant to notice that I did tell you the answer you were looking for and some how I came off as serious and angry?I assure I'm not angry or serious, this is a hobby not a job and I come here to help people and if for some reason that came off to you as serious or angry then that's on you.If you actually took the time to read the entire guide you would see that he explains how the races become playable... None of this "Need create an aura" crap.... Just read the guide everything you need to know is covered....Also just in case that you are this isn't for a repack user, you have to compile the server yourself to be able to to do this.So again l say read/follow the guide and you will be able to activate all the playable races and well play them...
I'm not arguing with you... the guide tells you how to add them in the character creation screen if you read it...You edit the LUA, XML and dbc files for it to show on the creation screen which the guide does cover...
Sorry? but I have an error/Too many races! Update MAX_RACESBut I have Max_races 12