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Wrath of the Lich King Modding => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: fearless_wind on April 15, 2013, 11:36:07 am

Title: [QUESTION] How to enable all skins for players?
Post by: fearless_wind on April 15, 2013, 11:36:07 am
Hey guys, in WoW client there are a lot of skins but they are not allowed for players, what dbc should I edit for enabling more than 10 playable skins. Thanks.
Title: Re: [QUESTION] How to enable all skins for players?
Post by: Ascathos on April 15, 2013, 01:01:50 pm
CharSections, obviously. Some are either creature-only or DK-only/specific.
Title: Re: [QUESTION] How to enable all skins for players?
Post by: fearless_wind on April 16, 2013, 07:19:11 am
I know one guy who did it, but I can't contact him.  I assume, it can be hardcoded in wow.exe.
Title: Re: [QUESTION] How to enable all skins for players?
Post by: schlumpf on April 16, 2013, 09:43:56 am
Instead of speculating, try the hint, ascathos gave? CharSections is the only relevant thing.
Title: Re: [QUESTION] How to enable all skins for players?
Post by: fearless_wind on April 16, 2013, 04:56:33 pm
I can change them, but I can't add more than 20 for each race and  more than 10 for each gender.
Title: Re: [QUESTION] How to enable all skins for players?
Post by: Ascathos on April 17, 2013, 12:35:51 am
Quote from: "fearless_wind"
I can change them, but I can't add more than 20 for each race and  more than 10 for each gender.
I find that to be questionable, but then again, I never tested it. Might do that at some point.
Title: Re: [QUESTION] How to enable all skins for players?
Post by: flagg78 on April 17, 2013, 07:26:41 am
it could be hard coded in your core...i have more than 10 playable skins. i  know they can be normally made playable in charactersections.dbc but if u have such a limit its probably core related.
Title: Re: [QUESTION] How to enable all skins for players?
Post by: fearless_wind on April 17, 2013, 07:14:23 pm
Can you give me your CharSections.dbc?
Title: Re: [QUESTION] How to enable all skins for players?
Post by: flagg78 on April 18, 2013, 10:24:59 am
sure thing but keep in mind mine is heavily edited but compare it to yours and it might help.
Title: Re: [QUESTION] How to enable all skins for players?
Post by: fearless_wind on April 18, 2013, 09:14:21 pm
Only 10 skins anyway... I think it's hardcoded or in LUA files, because taurens have 14 skins (blizzard)
Title: Re: [QUESTION] How to enable all skins for players?
Post by: flagg78 on April 19, 2013, 12:09:12 am
wierd...yea i know my frogs use 12. what core do u use?
Title: Re: [QUESTION] How to enable all skins for players?
Post by: fearless_wind on April 19, 2013, 05:40:35 am
Trinity, it can't be related to core I think, there are no information about it in the core.
Title: Re: [QUESTION] How to enable all skins for players?
Post by: flagg78 on April 19, 2013, 06:36:19 am
ok i  use x-cell to edit the dbc files. but when i look in the charactersections.dbc i know the....8th field. the skins that cant be used are marked at 0x8, deathknights are 0x5 and normals are 0x11. sorry if you knew or checked this already, i just thought of it.
Title: Re: [QUESTION] How to enable all skins for players?
Post by: fearless_wind on April 19, 2013, 05:34:05 pm
I can't see any flags there...
Title: Re: [QUESTION] How to enable all skins for players?
Post by: schlumpf on April 19, 2013, 06:31:55 pm ... ctions.dbc (" onclick=";return false;)

Flags are explained on the bottom..
Title: Re: [QUESTION] How to enable all skins for players?
Post by: Ascathos on April 19, 2013, 08:41:13 pm
Quote from: "schlumpf"

Flags are explained on the bottom..
Which would point out to my note again. Try and see if it's still restricted - I don't believe so.
Title: Re: [QUESTION] How to enable all skins for players?
Post by: flagg78 on April 20, 2013, 01:26:30 am
the flags listed on that dev page dont match how they are in my dbc. in my charactercestion dbc they work as i listed.
Title: Re: [QUESTION] How to enable all skins for players?
Post by: schlumpf on April 20, 2013, 11:42:46 am
flagg78: They do. I even did not look at the wiki and just looked at what was written here in this thread:
the skins that cant be used are marked at 0x8, deathknights are 0x5 and normals are 0x11
Thus we can tell about 0x8, 0x4, 0x1, 0x10. As 0x1 is in both, deathknight and normal, it seems to be playable. 0x8 is in npc skins only, in addition to being separate. thus it is npc. leaving 0x4 and 0x10. the other part of deathknight,playable needs to be deathknight, thus 0x4 is DK. Leaving 0x10 without known meaning and 0x2 with being unused.
0x1: playable
0x2: ?
0x4: dk
0x8: npc
0x10: ?
which matches the one in the wiki.
Title: Re: [QUESTION] How to enable all skins for players?
Post by: fearless_wind on April 20, 2013, 12:40:09 pm
I can't see any 0x1 0x4 and other flags. A table from wiki differs from original charsections.
Title: Re: [QUESTION] How to enable all skins for players?
Post by: Ascathos on April 20, 2013, 06:34:36 pm
Quote from: "fearless_wind"
I can't see any 0x1 0x4 and other flags. A table from wiki differs from original charsections.
Because fuck logic. Sorry, but this took me barely minutes to look proper hex to decimal up.

Code: [Select]
(DEC) 17 = (HEX) 0x11[/url] or here (

So, following that idea...
0x11 (17)
contains 0x10 (dec 16) and 0x1 (dec 1)
Used by regular skins (prohably both, deathknight and normal ? Not sure)

0x8 (8)
contains 0x8 (dec 8)
Used by monsters/npcs only. Not playable by players.

0x5 (5)
contains 0x4 (dec 4) and 0x1 (dec 1)
Used by deathknights only, but playable

0x1 (1)
contains 0x1 (dec 1)

Title: Re: [QUESTION] How to enable all skins for players?
Post by: flagg78 on April 21, 2013, 05:17:26 am
oh cool! i didnt know they combined like that. should have cause it makes sense. so if i want to use the same set of skins for deathknight and regular would it be 0x15 or just 0x1? Thanks!
fearless_wind upload your dbc file so we can look at it..lets get this party started! u r using wotlk right?
Title: Re: [QUESTION] How to enable all skins for players?
Post by: Ascathos on April 21, 2013, 04:39:30 pm
Quote from: "flagg78"
oh cool! i didnt know they combined like that. should have cause it makes sense. so if i want to use the same set of skins for deathknight and regular would it be 0x15 or just 0x1? Thanks!
fearless_wind upload your dbc file so we can look at it..lets get this party started! u r using wotlk right?
0x1 is playable for all. 0x4 is DK only. I assume that 0x10 is making it available for npcs as well, but that's a wild guess.