@Serendipity with the 0.0.4 Update i add the uint64 & int64 support for Spell.dbc// UPDATE
which is a bit complicated, dbc dont have a version in the header. db2 have a build in the header this i can used but currently you most rename your dbc/db2 line Spell335.dbc and create a map for Spell335 in the map.xml
dbconverter.exe Item.db2 Item-sparse.db2 Creature.dbc ...
--------------------------------ADB/DB2/DBC Converter 0.0.6 ALPHACreate by LuzifixE-Mail: luzifix@schattenhain.de--------------------------------Your version is up to date.Info: Open File creaturedisplayinfo.db2...Info: Load DB2 Mapping...Info: Load Header...Error: Signature of file contains not 'WDB2'Press a key to exit...
I have an error trying to convert CreatureDisplayInfo.db2 :Code: [Select]--------------------------------ADB/DB2/DBC Converter 0.0.6 ALPHACreate by LuzifixE-Mail: luzifix@schattenhain.de--------------------------------Your version is up to date.Info: Open File creaturedisplayinfo.db2...Info: Load DB2 Mapping...Info: Load Header...Error: Signature of file contains not 'WDB2'Press a key to exit...I believe my map is correct : http://pastebin.com/spRNEf3f .
Yeah, I noticed that shortly after posting my message, I'm so dumb.I have a bug, tho, when reconverting from CSV to DBC the character has become " .Example CreatureModelData.dbc when reading the DBC with myDBC editor : http://i.imgur.com/Bwx7NjL.pngWill happens with all DBCs with inside.Really problematic since the DBC is not functional.
Quote from: "spik96"Yeah, I noticed that shortly after posting my message, I'm so dumb.I have a bug, tho, when reconverting from CSV to DBC the character has become " .Example CreatureModelData.dbc when reading the DBC with myDBC editor : http://i.imgur.com/Bwx7NjL.pngWill happens with all DBCs with inside.Really problematic since the DBC is not functional.With what you edit your CSV file ?