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[REQUEST] ADT Repairer

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Hey Developers. Yes, and all the rest of Modcraft too :p

So, my request is for someone to make a tool that can fix ADTs. so they work completely fine again. Here is how I think it should work:

You have a completely empty ADT, as well as your corrupt BUT BEAUTIFUL ADT.
The program should read the corrupted ADT's Heightmap, Texture map, WMO and M2 paths+locations and holes. (And more, if I forgot something). And this data, it should copy and replace the data on the empty ADT with.
This way, it would make a completely new CLEAN ADT, with the same ground and models!

That is, assuming my theory is correct. If not, maybe just a program that can do as much of the ADT as possible? xP


Noggit write every time you save an ADT from scratch.
If we build in some error correction during loading then we have this tool. In the moment noggit stop to load if it find errors. Because we want only clean stuff. But in future we could clean up on loading and just show an overview what has got fixed. So the user know whats going on.

Uhm... I don't understand exactly how that is affecting the matter at hand. Well, I mean sure, it builds the ADT from scratch, but then how come my Wow crashes every time I try to go to my custom ADTs, no matter how many times I try to re-save it. And yes, I've tried without models. Didn't do any differenec.
Btw. Its not as soon as it loads the ADTs it crashes. Its when I actually look at it. I can walk very near it, but not exaclty look straight at it.
And I've tried building from scratch again, and that time it worked. So... I mean, a simple Height, Texture and Model export/import tool should pretty much fix it I think :o


The only problems i have seen in the last time where doodad paths that crash wow. Or if you don´t start from 0 with a clean adt and use blizzards once with stuff noggit don´t support. Or if you use no a 335a as source. I had now for month not one adt that crash my wow. And i used nearly every beta on my maps.

But the point is if we implement more functions into load and perhaps save that validates the data we need no repair function in an separated app. My try is to reduce the amount off apps wee need to.... perhaps someday only one.

Yea you know that would be really nice ^.^ So you're actually saying that the Blizzard ADTs from Stranglethorn Vale which I'm editing, isn't fully 3.3.5a ADTs, and therefor there may be a part which gets saved weird when Noggit tries to save the ADTs as 3.3.5a ADTs. And that's why it wont work in-game?

In that case, is it possible to impliment a converter in Noggit that converts older ADT types to 3.3.5a and removes whatever invalid information they may contain? :p



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