Forum > Software Development

Re: [QUESTION] Noggit compile instructions?

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As far as I know both are separate projects, so you don't need anything from mpqfs-stormlib to compile Noggit.

If you're ok with the libraries then you should be able to compile.

But you should always use the newest version. And for debug you will need the debug version of it. Just set missing path in CMAKE to get ic configured. I have to take a look at the cmake file to make it easyer to get it clean working on windows. Or perhaps here is some guy that worked already with CMAKE and want to handel this stuff. Als if here is someone that get It working he could write soem lines about it for other guys. Perhaps in the wiki :) Just PM me if you have time and want to.

Would be nice. Just create a new point for Mac setup please and fill it. The wiki should be open to register.
In the moment this version have many problems. You cant select M2s. It crash if you do. You cant show wmos. Same there. I hope i will get some time for debugging this weekend.

PS: I will move this to development board. This one is more for problems using the app and beta stuff.

As for the Windows side of things, I took a stab at it in the dark last night, and I think I'm on the right path - I should use CMAKE to create project files for whatever compiler I'm using, which is obvious seeing the cmake files in Noggit's root src directory. As for compilers, should I be using MinGW's build environment, or will VC2010's c++ compiler work?

I've only ever compiled a handful of WoW emu servers using cmake, so I have no idea what to expect with my attempts at getting this to compile (aside from the probable complete failure that will occur).

I use Visual Studio 2010. Works fine.

The most server give you everything to your hands to compile. We want to let our repository be clean and small. So we add no lib´s there. (Zlib) (no binary's. Must be compiled)


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