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[Project] Haradon

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The Order and Azeroth

-The Legion invasion of Ythtyrax happened a few years before the events in Outland, while the mission for Haradon was planned during these events.The mission was very ambitionus but yet much uncertain.Adjusting the movement of a planet with a device thousand times smaller than the planet's size was considered a mere dream for an engineer.But the now-corrupted leaders of Ythtyrax, under the legion's rule had too much faith in their technology.It was Ramman, the Chief-engineer that planned in detail the mission and it is thought to have convinced the lords of the Legion. Though convicted but not entirely, they sent the Hellspawn Brigades with their commander Bathrak of Hell to accompany and ensure the safety of the operation and the engineers.The Order had some of these informations, it was until the last convoy of engineers arrived in Haradon that The Order understood the real purpose of the machinery but that was too late.
-The Order first set up camps in northern Haradon, in the White Mountains, the safest place but also wouldn't draw attention to the inhabitants of Haradon.But in the time of their arrival Haradon was dying, the land had begun to wither, the populace had left their homes due to failed corps, unhealthy water,some attacks made by the Legion and set way east to the Swamps.According to the locals the first strange signs of the decay of land had begun a year ago.If that is true it means that the machinery needs only eight more months to be energized and send this world to its end.The Order was unable to fight the invaders directly, thus it means was unable to stop the machinery itself, the inhabitants of Haradon the humans of the kingdom of Ywyn which was mainly located in the Great Fields were quite religious and paranoid also, their only explanation for the grim events in Haradon was their "almighty creator" who has come to punish them for their deeds.This is how they explained the infernal strikes from the sky or the withering of life in every corner.With such a short time left and no ally found amongst the inhabitants of Haradon the Order had no options but to seek help from Azeroth, after all Azeroth was what it was all about.The Order sent two of it's members which had some kind of connection to Azeroth.These two were Anniren, a dranei priest thought to be touched by the blessing of the Naaru and Rakura Earthsong which was an orc shaman, native of Draenor.These two first landed in Outland before entering Azeroth through the Dark Portal.Anniren went to the leader which would surely hear her plea, she went to Prophet Velen, except having the same ancestors as the Prophet had Anniren was also a priest and had connections with the Naaru,probably made this connections before the Prophet himself did.Then the Prophet informed and pushed the cause forward to the king.Rakura went directly to the Warchief Thrall. She was a shaman and Thrall could clearly sense her powerful binding with the elements, she was also an orc, but not a fel one and this made Thrall much curious and aware of the dangerous situation. Both the Alliance and the Horde were fighting a war in Northrend against the Lich King, they couldn't afford sending an army to Haradon. After many debates both factions decided to send two units to Haradon, these units were more specalized in defense than in assault because all assault teams were on the frontlines fighting against Arthas and of course had quite limited resourses but these limitations were somewhat covered by The Order.
The Alliance unit was led by the human general Eldur Whitebane while the Horde unit was led by the forsaken commander Barald Voidblood.These two units first travelled to Outland before landing on Haradon through portals.

Bardh Mehmeti, Haradon Project

The Swamps

-The swamps are positioned on the southeastern side of Haradon and are created by the White river which flows through the great fields.Sometimes they're called the Dead Marshes or the Murky Swamps, they form quite a vast land which in the most of it is useless.There are a few towns or villages and with the recent events in Haradon the population has grown tremendously fast.Now these swamps have roads or we could say better roads and checkpoints for the people traveling for trading herbs or other commodities.


The Swamps all the listeners, the Maker spoke
turned its gaze, upon ash and smoke
where man's sin overflowed He wept       Codex: The Maker
flooding and cursing as He left...

-As the Codex mentions, the swamps known today hosted sin and evilness, such that the Maker itself couldn't bear,thus he cried, wept upon the land, turning the miraculous land into a flooded forsaken marsh, where mankind would never dare to step again. The marshes were feared and rumored of evil spirits roaming the sinful land,thus the swamps were never visited by free- folk. Instead, all the people of Haradon who were in a way unsubdued by the Followers(Worshipers of the Maker) would be cast into the swamps, so that the Maker's tears would cleanse the sinners. Such were witches, thugs, criminals who were all thrown away into the swamps. Nowadays the people of Haradon are infested with guilt, considering themselves the causers of the world's corruption.Thus they now move towards the swamps hoping to be cleansed away from sin, and save the world they call home.

Drin Mehmeti, Haradon project.


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