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[HINT]How I personally use M2Mod4 -May be helpful for others

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This isn't a Tutorial, it's more of a Mix between a Vlog and a Livestream, hence Vlogstream. I just talk my way through my crude method of putting Mario into Wow.

Most of my preps last atleast 4-6 hours before I even begin to put it into the game, in this video, the prep itself lasted only about 60-70 minutes, since i'm not counting the time used to slice and weight it and also the photoshop part where I remake the eye texture. Just the time spent on prepping the 3d model itself.

Putting this up because it may prove helpful for others to see someone actually use the Tool to actually put in a new 3D model into the game rather than just modifying an existing model and putting that back into the game.  Also for anyone that may be a Cinema 4D user as well may benefit from this.


Download Links:
♠ Python 2.6.2(x86): ... -2.6.2.msi
♠ Python 2.6.2(x64): ... .amd64.msi
♠ blender 2.49b: ... indows.exe
♠ M2Mod3(Not used in video):
♠ M2Mod4(Used in video):
♠ 010 Editor:
♠ BLP Converter: ... erter.html
♠ Mario Model Used: ... odel/6682/
♠ M2/Skin Templates can be downloaded from Alastor's Post on this forum: viewtopic.php?f=59&t=828
♠ Mjollna's MoP/Cata M2/Skin Converter:
♠ MinGW DLL's needed for the Converter:

♠ My 3.3.5a Wow.exe incase anyone has trouble loading from a Folder patch like I do:
♠ My 4.0.6a Wow.exe incase anyone has trouble loading from a Folder patch like I do:

Funny picture, CRACK FIEND MARIO!!!
(caused by my blp being a DXT1 where as the original used a DXT5/A type BLP, a simple change to the render type fixed it.)

Nice video man, so that is what they meant about the shift-k procedure! It is way easier than painting the mesh by hand!


--- Quote from: "abdalrahman9" ---Nice video man, so that is what they meant about the shift-k procedure! It is way easier than painting the mesh by hand!
--- End quote ---
Yeah you should have seen the look on my mentor's(Soldan) face when I told him about Shift+K , since he'd been doing it for like 2-3 years before he started mentoring me.  One day I had gotten annoyed with manually painting and wondered if i could just paint it all in one go, browsed the options and sure enough you could! ..... so I goto tell Soldan and yeah... it was amazing! XD

But it's only really useful if the mesh you have is pre-cut already, otherwise it serves no actual use.

Thank you for the video, what do you think? I use blender or use Cinema4d?


--- Quote from: "ladiszlai" ---Thank you for the video, what do you think? I use blender or use Cinema4d?
--- End quote ---

use whatever you're most comfortable with.


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