Forum > Level Design




I opened a post asking about how to put ocean around an island in Noggit 3.x
Eluo gived me the tool Allocean with Fixallocean (Thanks Eluo!).
The first tool, Allocean, put the water around the island, but with some errors in the shore (some empty holes). He told me that FixAllocean3.0 must resolve that problem. I used the tool but it doenst do anything...

Someone have another version of that tools that works fine? Or another way to fix the ocean?
It seems that AllOcean3.0 have a parameter called "deepth_factor" but i dont have any idea what it is used for...

Anyway, if someone can give me an advice for this issue, i will be gratefull.


Yeah some time ago it worked. Now i have also that problem :X

I see... so its not only my problem. So there are some solution for this issue? I really need to fix the damn water..


allocean most likely takes the average value of the mini-chunk height or something like that (not sure atm, I'll have a look into the source in the next two weeks or so), so just try to not fill half minichunks near coast^^

Mmm i dont have too much idea of what do you mean with those mini chunks... can you explain a bit further with an example please? So i will know what i must do to fix the ocean.

Why dont make  a parameter like the "depth" of the water inside the shore. I mean, a value that will be "how much" of the water will cross the shore inside the land, in order to avoid empty spaces in those mini chunks.

Also, since the WolTK Maps have different chunks for liquids (the M2HO i think), u dont know if someone is currently developing something to put liquids in these new chunks like magma, slime and rivers with different water coulours?

Regards and i hope that u can see the source code soon.


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