Forum > Level Design

[Question] Modifying a continent's Default Skybox?

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Sorry if this has already been answered, but is there a way to change a continent's default skybox? Like, I have a 'local' skybox settup for lighting effects and I assumed it would give me a clear sky like in STV- since I am using the Zul'Gurub box, but this island and it's skybox are out in Northrend and I am stuck with this weird Northern lights look. Is there any way to change this?

On some further analysis it looks like it's more tied to the zone then the continent, but all the same, I have repainted their area IDs and such on the map. Is there something else I need to modify to change the skyboxes?

skyboxes are handled by light*.dbc. the default is the one with x,y,z = 0,0,0. there is a tool called light mapper which is able to edit those files, on some versions of the game.


Yes, I went in and found the a bunch in light mapper and I have a skybox for the zone I want to use and it is assigned in my DB2, but the 'default' skybox of the zone I'm in, in this case, the Stormpeaks seems to want to stick around. Is threre a way to remove the default skybox of zones on an existing continent?

On investigation, it looks like for Northrend specfically there is some kind of zone-based tiny Light.dbc edit you have to tinker with? Is there anyway to modify the range of it or is deleting it acceptable?


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