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Featured => old Stuff => Maruum => Builder Team => Topic started by: axel0099 on July 30, 2013, 12:35:07 pm

Title: Interface designs.
Post by: axel0099 on July 30, 2013, 12:35:07 pm
I wish to farm ideas for the interface and char creation screen designs.
More info when i get home.
Title: Re: Interface designs.
Post by: Steff on July 31, 2013, 08:28:23 am
Firs we need someone who is able to do a grafical design for the intrefaqce. I meen a frame, some borders buttons and so on. A clean but good locking set we can build all interafeces with.

Next the needs must get collected. For char selection I would not change much as peope are famy with it. Only the design. The char creations must get redesigned to make our race > culture idea working.

Also the base givts (classes) should be implemented there.