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Author Topic: [Class] Spellweaver  (Read 937 times)

Mr. DK

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[Class] Spellweaver
« on: June 21, 2013, 01:04:05 am »
A class idea i was thinking of recently:

Short Overview:

Role: Damage/Heal
Resource: Crystals (see below)
Class conditions: Race = (still dont ahve the name for my race jet :D). Talent = mage


coing soon™


Crystals: Crsytal is a aditional resource like the Soulestones of the Warlock. There are diffrent colours of crystals for diffrent spells. You need for example red crystals for damage spells, blue for suport ad green for healing etc. They can be obtaint by several sub spells or procs and are consumed on high end spells.

The basic concept is that the player needs to find teh balance in creating new resources of crystals and use them for maximum dps output or hps (healpersecond). He can combine 2 colors for advanced spells. Like a frostfire bolt using 3 red and 2 blue crsytals.

There will be at least 3 talant trees.

1. Summoning - Summon several minions to attack enemys
2. Casting - Cast crystal spells
3. Healing - alterate the inner powers of the Crystals to boost and heal your companions

The main graphic theme of the class are crsytals cuz of their specal meaning to my race. I post Lore soon™ so you can see.

Hope to hear your ideas on this class!
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
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Re: [Class] The Gem-Sorcer/es
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2013, 09:22:16 am »
I like the idea, and here are some technical details:

1.) The requiring crystals to cast spell is easily doable.  You can have up to 3 different "reagents" required to cast.  So in theory have up to three gems for each spell.  But you can't substitute.  So if an item is defined as required for casting it has to be that exact item number in the database.  Example:  A spell needs a blue gem to cast, you cant later add a "purple gem that counts as both a red or blue" kinda mechanic.  But you can use a "totem" an item that is requred to cast a spell, but not consumed like enchanting needs rods.  

2.) Correct me if I'm wrong, but would this class also use mana?  I imagine that the crystal would be formed from the caster compressing the magic into a solid form, almost like making a mage's mana battery.  As a side effect to balance, the class could have a class feature that slows down mana regen, but that would allow them to make magic gems.  I could also see certian gems requiring different methods to make, maybe Life gems could leach heatlh instead of mana..

3.) Balance...  This idea is in no way overpowered and I think fits in perfectly into the idea of Maruum.  And ever since I started playing RPG's I have always leaned towards a caster role, so it has my two thumbs up.  The only concern I see is: what happens if you run out of crystals?  The idea of using crystals to control casting adds a wonderful tactical element to the game.  The bigger the spell, the more gems to cast and if a players pulls all the guns out he's "spent."  So what can the player do then, does he have spells he can fall back on?  I think this class is perfect for burst damage and heals.  Massive amounts of damage, but has to pick and choose when to use it.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »

Mr. DK

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Re: [Class] The Gem-Sorcer/es
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2013, 12:15:08 pm »
Quote from: "deep6ixed"
I like the idea, and here are some technical details:

1.) The requiring crystals to cast spell is easily doable.  You can have up to 3 different "reagents" required to cast.  So in theory have up to three gems for each spell.  But you can't substitute.  So if an item is defined as required for casting it has to be that exact item number in the database.  Example:  A spell needs a blue gem to cast, you cant later add a "purple gem that counts as both a red or blue" kinda mechanic.  But you can use a "totem" an item that is requred to cast a spell, but not consumed like enchanting needs rods.

Godd to hear ill think 3 are good enought.

Quote from: "deep6ixed"
2.) Correct me if I'm wrong, but would this class also use mana?  I imagine that the crystal would be formed from the caster compressing the magic into a solid form, almost like making a mage's mana battery.  As a side effect to balance, the class could have a class feature that slows down mana regen, but that would allow them to make magic gems.  I could also see certian gems requiring different methods to make, maybe Life gems could leach heatlh instead of mana..

In my first plan there was mana. But i thought that cooldowns on spellcast would allso do the job. So you dont get to much casts out. An haste rating would have a bigger effect on tha class. But I dont mind using mana aswell.

Quote from: "deep6ixed"
3.) Balance...  This idea is in no way overpowered and I think fits in perfectly into the idea of Maruum.  And ever since I started playing RPG's I have always leaned towards a caster role, so it has my two thumbs up.  The only concern I see is: what happens if you run out of crystals?  The idea of using crystals to control casting adds a wonderful tactical element to the game.  The bigger the spell, the more gems to cast and if a players pulls all the guns out he's "spent."  So what can the player do then, does he have spells he can fall back on?  I think this class is perfect for burst damage and heals.  Massive amounts of damage, but has to pick and choose when to use it.

Yeah The crystal thing. I usualy Thought of 2 Things. A was to create new Gems on casts that consume no gems like a 60 sec cooldown cast creating 1 red 1 blue and a green. Or a 30 sec cooldwond creating 2 of one color. The other Idea was that you have 3 gems wich charges on it. It maximum charges to 20 each and regains slowly scaling with manregen or something diffrent.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
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Re: [Class] The Gem-Sorcer/es
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2013, 01:45:04 pm »
Quote from: "deep6ixed"
I like the idea, and here are some technical details:

1.) The requiring crystals to cast spell is easily doable.  You can have up to 3 different "reagents" required to cast.  So in theory have up to three gems for each spell.  But you can't substitute.  So if an item is defined as required for casting it has to be that exact item number in the database.  Example:  A spell needs a blue gem to cast, you cant later add a "purple gem that counts as both a red or blue" kinda mechanic.  But you can use a "totem" an item that is requred to cast a spell, but not consumed like enchanting needs rods.  

This can be easily changed in core. It's emulator who do the checks, not client, so we are able to change this.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »

Mr. DK

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Re: [Class] The Gem-Sorcer/es
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2013, 08:33:56 pm »

All items limited to 20 each

44922 Green Power Crsytal

English: "Green Power Crsytal"  A small glow flows within the crystal. The ancients tell of their heaing powers.

German:"Grüner Machtkristall"  Der Kristall schmimmert grün in seinem inneren. Die Vorfahren erzählten von ihren heilenden Kräften.

44929 Blue Power Crsytal

English: "Blue Power Crsytal" A small glowflows within the crystal. The ancients tell of the spirits living within.

German: "Blauer Machtkristall" Der Kristall schimmert blau in seinem inneren. Die Vorfahren erzählten von den Geistern die diese Steine bewohnen.

44919 Red Power Crystal

English: "Red Power Crsytal" A small glowflows within the crystal. The ancients tell of thedestructive powers it can release!

German: "Roter Machtkristall" Der Kristall schimmert rot in seinem inneren. Die Vorfahren erzählten von der unglaublichen Zerstöhrungskraft dieser Kristalle.

Usage of the Crystals:
Red: 5% Dmg for 10 sec (30 sec cooldown)
Blue: 5% Haste for 10 sec (30 sec cooldown)
Green: 5% Heal for 10 sec (30 sec cooldwon)

Crystal creating spells:

English: Alteration of Fire. ( 5 sec cooldown dealing 50dmg creating 2 red Crytals)
German: Verändeurng des Feuers. ( 5 sec cooldown dealing 50dmg creating 2 red Crytals)


English: Alteration of water. ( 10 sec cooldown giving a 50hp shield to target creating 2 blue Crytals)
German: Verändeurng des Wassers. ( 10 sec cooldown giving a 50hp shield to target creating 2 blue Crytals)


English: Alteration of Air. ( 10 sec cooldown giving a 5%dmg buff creating 2 blue Crytals)
German: Verändeurng der Luft. ( 10 sec cooldown giving a 5%dmg buff creating 2 blue Crytals)


English: Alteration of live. ( 5 sec cooldown healing for 50 creating 2 green Crytals)
German: Verändeurng des Lebens. ( 30 sec cooldown creating 2 green Crytals)

Basic spells:


English: Reunion of live. ( 10 sec cast time costs 2 green and 1 blue crystal 200 heal scaling with 100% inteligence and 100% spellpower)
German: Erneuerung des Lebens. ( 10 sec cast time costs 2 green and 1 blue crystal 200 heal scaling with 100% inteligence and 100% spellpower)


English: Crystal bolt. ( 5 sec cast time costs 2 red and 1 blue crystal 100 dmg scaling  with 100% inteligence and 100% spellpower)
German: Kristallgeschoss.  ( 5 sec cast time costs 2 red and 1 blue crystal 100 dmg scaling  with 100% inteligence and 100% spellpower)
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
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Mr. DK

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Re: [Class] The Gem-Sorcer/es
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2013, 10:37:34 pm »
Spell IDS

Alteration of fire: 547
Alteration of water: 636
Alteration of air: 1397
Alteration of live: 1669

Reunion of live: 2216
Crystal bolt: 2446
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
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Re: [Class] The Gem-Sorcer/es
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2013, 12:43:58 am »
Buffs 10 seconds durations

just a note to self
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »

Mr. DK

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Re: [Class] The Gem-Sorcer/es
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2013, 03:17:02 pm »
Ok the 3 Skill trees:

1. The way of focus (dps)
2. The way of power (dps)
3. The way of renewal (heal)

(Litte question here: is it possible do only do 2 skill trees? If we do a custom interface and can we da 3 skill tree classes again when we do 2? I mean at the same time classes with 2 and 3 skilltrees? )

Spells: (ill shorten the skill trees with the last word of the skill tree from now for the skill book entries)


Crystal Bolt - finished ( need 2 more levels Crystal Bolt II and Crystal Bolt III)

Ancient Spirit - ( Summons an ancient Spirit that defends you /// 2 Blue Crystals /// Use zuldrakgolem.m2 /// Lasts for 180s Abilties: "Taunt - 5 sec cd" /// 360s cooldown) Spellid: 3237

Aura of Power - ( Your singe target spells deal 10% and the Spells of your Group and raid members deal 5% more dmg while Aura is active //// 3 Blue Crystals /// 0 sec CD /// Permanent Aura (like the pala ones) /// Remove this Aura when another Aura by this class is casted ) SpellID: 3066

Aura of Focus - ( Your singe target spells have 10% and the Spells of your Group and raid members have 5% haste while Aura is active //// 3 Blue Crystals /// 0 sec CD /// Permanent Aura (like the pala ones) /// Remove this Aura when another Aura by this class is casted ) SpellID: 3065


Well of the Ancients - ( Deal Damage to target opponent and every enemy within 20 meters /// 2 Red 1 Blue /// Inflicting "Crystal remains" debuff to enemies dealing 50% of the Damage over the next 10 seconds /// 0s cd /// 40m Range /// Spell ID: 3053)

Aura of Power - ( Your singe target spells deal 10% and the Spells of your Group and raid members deal 5% more dmg while Aura is active //// 3 Blue Crystals /// 0 sec CD /// Permanent Aura (like the pala ones) /// Remove this Aura when another Aura by this class is casted ) SpellID: 3066

Aura of Focus - ( Your singe target spells have 10% and the Spells of your Group and raid members have 5% haste while Aura is active //// 3 Blue Crystals /// 0 sec CD /// Permanent Aura (like the pala ones) /// Remove this Aura when another Aura by this class is casted ) SpellID: 3065


Reunion of live - finished ( need 2 more levels Reunion of live II and Reunion of live III)
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
I am Thor! Supreme commander of the Asgard Fleet!

Mr. DK

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Re: [Class] The Gem-Sorcer/es
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2013, 08:25:01 pm »
Focus IconID: 3216
Power IconID: 1941
Renewal IconID: 2861
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
I am Thor! Supreme commander of the Asgard Fleet!