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Author Topic: Balance Testing - Starting without stats?  (Read 365 times)


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Balance Testing - Starting without stats?
« on: August 15, 2013, 01:08:46 pm »
Since we're implementing quests (and therefore npcs and items) I had a quick thought about balancing.

Idea short: No stats/levels/etc during testing phase.

Idea long:
We don't have a step-by-step implementation of quests, it's fluid. (Which means, we bring up one quest after another instead of thinking about all of them and afterwards bringing them in the game. Has the big advantage that lore and tech team can work simultaneously -> everybody got work.)
There are two major problems:
  • Hard balancing. Balancing a system in progress, isn't easy. With every new quest you may have to lower the xp of another one.
  • Hard testing. To see the quests that have to be tested, you have to set up your level. So you may beat yourself through the lower quests very fast, even if you have to kill 2000 wolves.

If we start with a default level and default stats, we can test the whole content without progression problems. Also even people without balancing knowledge can add mobs, since everything gets default stats.
When we think that the first quest zones are fine, we can fit the quests to levels and set the progression for the whole zone.

What do you think about it?
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »