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Author Topic: [TUTORIAL] Upconvert WoTLK M2 to Work in Cata+  (Read 787 times)


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[TUTORIAL] Upconvert WoTLK M2 to Work in Cata+
« on: April 02, 2015, 03:22:10 am »
This is a video for Ghaster, Here I'm showing my method for upconverting LK M2 files to have Emitters and Shadows working in Cataclysm, MoP, and WoD. So far I've only done weapons and some simple creatures.  I'm using a Blizzard File in this video versus a custom model because anyone who's interested in this can follow along if it's something they already have.

If you are doing a creature model, disable your cameras if you don't know how to fix them.


Knowledge and experience in doing MoP/Cata M2/Skin down porting is helpful when you go back up, so if you're lacking that skillset, this may be a bit hard to comprehend. Using a tool to do it for you does not count as experience since you're not doing anything by hand.

I'll let you(the viewer) figure out how to script the process if you want to go that route, there's a few different ways to script it. Goodluck.

This doesn't work on everything because not All Custom LK M2 Generators/Creators set the data up properly like a blizzard M2 file.  So Even if you do everything right, there may be some things in the M2 file that isn't up to scratch when compared to how the Wow client reads things.

Tools Used for those that don't have them already.
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« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »