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Messages - Swampdog

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Noggit / Re: [QUESTION] Noggit Language
« on: December 28, 2013, 10:46:49 pm »
That worked great for Noggit Steff!  I was also having same problem with WoW Model Viewer.  I tried to change language to 0 in the config but for some reason it didn't work.  Was able to pick language after deleting config and then copied path lines from the wowmodelviewer7 configuration file in driveletter folder of tutorial to get all my paths back in..

Both work great now!

Noggit / Re: [QUESTION] Having crash issue with Noggit SDL1.3
« on: December 28, 2013, 10:43:32 pm »
Weird..  I moved my whole WoWModding to a USB drive in order to move it off my work computer.  I tried Noggit again after copying the config from the driveletter folder and now it works.

Admins feel free to close thread...

Noggit / Re: [QUESTION] Noggit Language
« on: December 27, 2013, 07:07:40 am »
Quote from: "Steff"
The dbc in my tutorial was german.  My fault ;)
Copy the one from your extracted client files and add the needed maps there.


Will give that a shot when I jump back online in the morning..  Been up playing with this stuff until 4a the past couple of nights since I found this..  It 1a here already..  Think I should try to sleep... lol

Thanks Steff!

Noggit / Re: [Question] How do I use MoP Textures in Noggit?
« on: December 27, 2013, 07:04:13 am »
Quote from: "Steff"
Noggit do not load textures from project folder.  
So you need an mpq including them in your noggit  wow source folder.

Oops..  That's right..  Noggit loads from client folders..  I tried to help..  :p  Still trying to cram all this stuff in my head.. lol

Noggit / Re: [Question] How do I use MoP Textures in Noggit?
« on: December 27, 2013, 01:50:52 am »
Quote from: "Solarion"
1) How do I put them there?
2) Thanks.

You need to use MPQ Editor to extract them there..  Steff goes through the process of extracting files from MPQs to use with Noggit in the Noggit tutorial.

Miscellaneous / Re: removing a race at character select
« on: December 26, 2013, 05:20:12 am »
Quote from: "40thzombie"
Ok so i managed to do what you wanted, will post what i did

1. Edit the ChrRaces.dbc column 1 change the 12 to anything else for the ones you want to disable

2. Find CharacterCreate.lua and change the MAX_RACES = to 4 then find


Delete all the icon cords that arnt needed so if the races you want to keep enabled are the Human, Nightelf, Tauren and orc so it would look like this

   ["HUMAN_MALE"]      = {0, 0.125, 0, 0.25},
   ["NIGHTELF_MALE"]   = {0.375, 0.5, 0, 0.25},
   ["TAUREN_MALE"]      = {0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5},
   ["ORC_MALE"]      = {0.375, 0.5, 0.25, 0.5},

   ["HUMAN_FEMALE"]   = {0, 0.125, 0.5, 0.75},  
   ["NIGHTELF_FEMALE"]   = {0.375, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75},
   ["TAUREN_FEMALE"]   = {0, 0.125, 0.75, 1.0},  
   ["ORC_FEMALE"]      = {0.375, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0},

Save it and close it

3. Find CharacterCreate.xml

then find <CheckButton name="CharacterCreateRaceButton1" inherits="CharacterCreateRaceButtonTemplate" id="1">

Replace that with

                     <CheckButton name="CharacterCreateRaceButton1" inherits="CharacterCreateRaceButtonTemplate" id="1">
                           <Anchor point="TOP" relativePoint="TOP" x="-50" y="-61"/>
                     <CheckButton name="CharacterCreateRaceButton2" inherits="CharacterCreateRaceButtonTemplate" id="2">
                           <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="CharacterCreateRaceButton1" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" x="0" y="-21"/>
                     <CheckButton name="CharacterCreateRaceButton3" inherits="CharacterCreateRaceButtonTemplate" id="3">
                           <Anchor point="TOP" relativePoint="TOP" x="50" y="-61"/>
                     <CheckButton name="CharacterCreateRaceButton4" inherits="CharacterCreateRaceButtonTemplate" id="4">
                           <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="CharacterCreateRaceButton3" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" x="0" y="-21"/>

Pack it into a MPQ Then it should work

Anyone had luck getting this to work lately?  One thing I noticed is that it looks like columns are different in my  3.3.5a (12340) chrRaces.dbc.  Column one is the race ID and column 2 is the one that I can enable and disable races.  Other than that, I followed this list verbatim but am getting a LUA error and alll the class buttons are showing the entire BLP instead of their individual class icons (same with the race and class round icons above the descriptions).

The error I'm getting is "InterfaceGlueXMLCharacterCreate.lua: 257: attempt to index a nil value"

Line 257 is the getglobal function for CharacterCreateRaceButton when the id comparison to the for loop iterator is false.

My MAX_RACES is set to 4 (only using human, dwarf, orc, and blood elf initially)
My BLPs have been edited to remove the other races
My RACE_ICON_TCOORDS have been updated to pull from the correct BLP positions (the four races show up correctly on the flags and the gender icons are correct then everything goes to hell lol)
The frame definitions match what is posted verbatim
All races except the four mentioned above have been set to 1 in chrRaces.DBC, the four above set to 12
Updated xml/lua files copied to Interface/GlueXML within my MPQ build folder
Updated BLP files copied into Interface/GLUES/CHARACTERCREATE within my MPQ build folder
Updated usrRaces.dbc file copied into DBFilesClient within my MPQ build folder
Patch-enUS-4.MPQ created within my Client335aNoggit/Data/enUS folder

I have made no changes serverside since I am just removing access to races from the client creation process. I did start setting up my dev environment for serverside today though but am currently using Steff's Trinity compile that comes within the Noggit tutorial download.

Also it appears that the gender buttons have quit working.  The only icons that show are female and when I click Male, I get another lua error: "InterfaceGlueXMLCharacterCreate.lua: 413: attempt to index global 'CharacterCreateGenderButtonMaleHighlightSetText ..."  (can't read where ... is...  close button covers it up)..  But that line of code is within the SetCharacterGender function when the female button is pressed.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts and/or suggestions!

Sent you a PM Anthony...  As I said there, I've never really got into torrents due to my crappy connection out here in the middle of nowhere, so I'm not sure if it is seeded elsewhere or not.  Not sure how to add it to uTorrent to check.  Everything that I have downloaded so far that is a torrent, I've done so by copying the URL to add and with yours no longer existing that doesn't work.

Noggit / Re: [QUESTION] Having crash issue with Noggit SDL1.3
« on: December 25, 2013, 02:03:49 am »
Also, I'm noticing at the end the stackwalker messages are pointing to f:developmentnoggit3_sdl.  Since I don't have an F drive or that path I'm assuming it has something to do with the compile environment..  Do those messages have anything to do with my environment?  And if they should, is it possible some paths may have been hardcoded into the code pre-compile?  My conf file is pointing to the correct folders on my C drive (copied from Steff's tutorial's tools/driveletter/c folder and verified in the NoggitSDL folder that the paths are in fact pointing to the correct folders on C.

Noggit / [SOLVED] [QUESTION] Having crash issue with Noggit SDL1.3
« on: December 25, 2013, 01:54:15 am »
I'm playing around with the tutorial trying to wrap my head around map editing but Noggit keeps crashing.  From the log it looks like I'm getting an exception error..  Below is my log file.  Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

** Forum keeps giving me some spam crap about posting links when I try to paste the text in the code block.  Not sure wtf is up with that since I'm not trying to post a link. :(  Going to attempt to see if it will allow me to attack the log file..

Is this still available anywhere?  I'm just getting back into playing around with Trinity and would love to have all the art assets for my 3.3.5a build if I can find the file.

Thanks in advance! :)

I'm just getting back into playing around with emulators after a long break.  My past explorations of the emulator world was all serverside.  In my search to dip my feet back into the water, I ran across links that eventually landed me here and opened my eyes to new possibilities with a combination of clientside modelling and serverside changes to create something different.  I was always drawn to more of the funserver configuration when I tinkered in the past but always found it too limiting to really do what I wanted to do, which was build my own world.  Now I see that as a possibility!

One thing that I would like to be able to do is have all races start as neutral, such as  the pandas in MoP.  Then after a certain point the player would have an option to choose between the dark and the light which would then align them with a side or they could remain neutral.  Is this something that could be done using one of the 3.3.5a servers and client modding?  I wasn't sure if it might be something actually in the WoW.exe, the data in DBC files, or serverside coding/db changes that would make this possible.

Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated!


Noggit / Re: [QUESTION] Noggit Language
« on: December 24, 2013, 09:56:20 am »
I'm having this same problem.  This is on a freshly installed/patched enUS client with no custom patches.  I'm seeing German in both Noggit and Model Viewer for menus and buttons.  The data from the MPQs are English so I'm assuming the issue is just with the apps themselves.  Are there English translations available somewhere maybe?

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