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Messages - Klint

Pages: [1]
Hi Stan ^^

that's interesting for me,
to see what's possible to do with vanilla version !

Thanks :)

Currently i'm extracting basic model from "Tera", to implant them on a 1.12 private server.
I'm testing noggit too.

and i began with westfall too :p

see u

Modelling and Animation / Re: 3dsto2m v1.1 request
« on: January 24, 2013, 02:09:41 pm »
Hello everybody !

I just want to thank you "Flagg78" for these uploads, thats really helpful !

Stan84, have you an old version of Wow Model Viewer ?
Im seeking the last vanilla version, 0.48 something like that, i mean.

or maybe :
WoW Machinima Tools for 1.12.1:5875

Thanks in advance

This site is really good

Pages: [1]