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Author Topic: [DBC] CharStartOutfit.dbc 4.3.4  (Read 1167 times)


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[DBC] CharStartOutfit.dbc 4.3.4
« on: November 26, 2016, 11:44:04 pm »
Just started editing DBCs, managed to edit charbaseinfo.dbc in 010 thanks to Rangorn's screenshot here

But can't for the life of me figure out this charstartoutfit whats going on here, I'm guessing these are bitmasks?Can anyone explain the math how I translate these values some wiki page or something?

dbc file -
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [DBC] CharStartOutfit.dbc 4.3.4
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2016, 01:06:25 am »
Haha I remember the battle with this dbc file but I now understand it but it's been a while...

The way it works is the following + example.

Column 1 = ID.  
Column 2 = Race
Column 3 = Class
Column 4 = Gender
Column 5 = outfit ID (ignore)

So say we want to change human warrior male it is
1 = X (find the row with the below values)
2 = 1
3 = 1
4 = 1

You can easily find out the ids for each race, class and gender online and therefore target an edit easily.

The next columns are where it gets strange and complicated...

So basically it works like this and you need the following:
A) Item ID you want player to have (e.g ashbringer - 13262)
B) The display ID for that item (23875)
C) Which slot it should go in (16 - main hand)

When you have this data you can fill in the other columns.
The way it works is A) must match with B)  and C)
A + B + C are unique to every item you want on the char.

To try make sense of this we can do an edit with our above info....
A) Column 3 - 27 = Our Item
B) Columns 28 - 52 = Display ID
C) Columns 53 - 77 = Inventory Slot ID

Now the confusing thing is that blizzard made it so order doesn't matter how you fill in these fields for each item.

So for example we want ashbringer we do the following:

Column 3 = 13262
Column 28 = 23875
Column 53 = 16

This logic follows through - say if we want to add a helmet next or anything you like - move one along in the columns but use the same structure so next will be...

Column 4 = your helmet ID
Column 29 = helmet display ID
Column 54 = head slot ID

Next... say we want to do feet (remember order doesn't matter for adding items to this Dbc)

Column 5 = your shoes ID
Column 30 = your shoes display ID
Column 54 = feet slot ID

See the pattern?

I am not 100% sure on exactly which columns to start and there corresponding columns but the above logic is how this Dbc file works.
I suggest get one class working and then copy paste the whole row with all your data and change the race ID to make it very fast to add to other races!

You can find the Dbc file structure here :

The above should make sense - even if my memory isn't 100% on which columns to start / end each section.
If you are still struggling then add me on Skype: Ben.aldrich (Sheffield)

I also STRONGLY recommend using MyDbcEditor.exe for this not 010 as it is a lot harder to see or convert the Dbc to CSV and open in something cleaner like CSV edit.

Best regards,
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
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