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Topics - vemigod

Pages: [1]
"Retro-Porting" / [Release] WoW Legion Game Download
« on: July 18, 2016, 01:16:28 am »
Hey I'm just going to release the wow legion beta game files, you can do what you'd like with it, I hope that you'll turn around and release whatever you get out of it back to the public but I know not everyone will do that. It is a really large download so keep that in mind... also I have already extracted everything from the casc explorer (i think thats what its called) and I may or may not release that as well, just keep an eye out... ;)

Heres the link:

Modelling and Animation / [HELP] MoP/Cata mounts cant use
« on: May 30, 2014, 04:56:12 am »
Hey, I have imported some cata/mop mounts to my server, added them to the spell.dbc have the creature dbcs and such and when I go in game and add the spell to myself I am unable to use the spell, I can however use .cast (spell id) and It mounts me up and I am able to fly for a little but then it dismounts me, anyone know how I can fix this?

Modelling and Animation / [HELP] Particle color
« on: May 24, 2014, 02:12:39 am »
Hey I'm having some trouble with some gear I ripped into 3.3.5, for some reason all the color for the particles and flames and stuff is coming out bright green, I was wondering how I could fix it?


Modelling and Animation / [QUESTION] 5.4 to 3.3.5 M2 help
« on: November 21, 2013, 10:09:28 am »
Hey Im wondering if anyone can help me with converting some M2's from 5.4 to 3.3.5a and making them into gameobjects? I started with watching Anthony's video, but he has so many batches and scripts which I dont have It makes it impossible for me to follow. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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