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Topics - skiiks

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Showoff - what you are working on / [SHOWOFF] [WIP] Glebionis Project
« on: November 08, 2012, 01:08:54 am »
Hello there! First and foremost, i'm a french guy, so please, don't be too hard with my english..
I started model changing for and long time, and i recently asked myself "Ho damn, i actually never make a big great and amazing project!". That's why, i recently started the construction of my first big project. It's not finish at all, but i'm glad to show you the beginning of something i can call "The great city of Glebionis". I said "something i can call" because this great city is first of all a project for a server which i, infortunatly, can tell you the name... :)

French and initial post :

City's Informations:

The city is located on the East of Arathi Highland, in an old empty zone, next to the farm, just next to the East Sea.

Architecture and inspiration:
 - I really like roman/antiq structure...In this way i try to re-create some of basics of this age...Coliseum is under construction!
 - The city will be composed by 4 district:
    - The Craftsman District (Red hoof) // Almost finish 90%
    - The Priests District (Yellow hoof) // Almost finish 90%
    - The Wizard District (Purple hoof) // Starting 30%
    - The Castle (Blue Hoof) // Almost finish 90%

Screenshot of the city

17/03/2013 UPGRADE

A little up with the The Priests District almost finish, 3 or 4 upgrade, and the Coliseum in construction. :)

15/05/2013 UPGRADE

A little up with the coliseum district and a  little part of the Wizard district (the very beginning in fact). Not everything is done, the texturing, some doodads positions are still in work... . For exemple, the decoration in the coliseum, especially in the changing rooms... Hop you will enjoy!

And because it's for a fun serveur, here is fun test, for events, battleground, quest or whatever! ;)

To do list:

 - Change the water offset
 - Finish the other district
 - Take attention the detail
 - Add somes flypath, to link the city to the other flys
 - Re-work the front of the city, the ground form particulary
 - Re-work the general textures.

Et voilà! Don't hesitate to make some judgement or critism on it, the time the critic stay constructive as possible. In hope  you have enjoy this project, Skiiks!:)

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