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Topic: [PROJECT] Craft (Read 7367 times)
Registred Member
Posts: 69
September 22, 2013, 12:33:00 am »
Hello modcraft community,
i created some other projects like parasorm and extraloot but they died because i had no time for this, i mod wow since 2010 but i were never specialized on any project because the missing tools for wow modding.
But today i see this modcraft community work hard to mod wow and thats super !
a very, VERY big thanks to all of you guys,thanks for puplish tools ant thanks for you great tutorials and for your friendly answer to ANY question.
And now here is my FINALLY project where I spend my free time. i love modelling in 3ds max and love to texturing and i dream from my own game with my own game assest and what´s better than the wow engine ? NOTHING ! you can create everything you have no limits except the m2 animations particles but someday the TOOL would be released.
ok lets talk about craft:
Craft is a platform where you can port to worlds that i create. And the worlds are filled with custom m2´s and custom WMO´s and everything is modeled from me but the textures are from [BLIZZARD] on this models.
the first thing that i want to do to create 3 worlds for the first platform the worlds are called:
[P1 = Parasorm (organic world)] [P2 = ?] [P3 = ?]
the first picture of Craft !
todo: adding more effects, create portals, resize the WMO´s
Last Edit: April 20, 2014, 12:56:19 am by Admin
Registred Member
Posts: 88
Re: [PROJECT] ExtraLoot
Reply #1 on:
September 22, 2013, 01:10:07 am »
looks good ! waiting for ingame screen's good luck!
Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin
Registred Member
Posts: 69
Re: [PROJECT] Craft
Reply #2 on:
April 16, 2014, 09:24:55 pm »
Ideas for Parasorm:
You start inside of an skeleton i create a normal cave with the hole tool from noggit.
Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin
Registred Member
Posts: 69
Re: [PROJECT] Craft
Reply #3 on:
April 19, 2014, 10:51:29 pm »
I get the the Skull ingame but the cave is not working correctly i would fix this later but now i finish my craft map.
pic´s coming soon !
Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin
Registred Member
Posts: 69
Re: [PROJECT] Craft
Reply #4 on:
April 20, 2014, 09:29:12 pm »
here is the portal from craft add it now ingame:
Now ingame but with texture bug:
Now i continue with the cave.
Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin
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Creator of Worlds
Posts: 351
Re: [PROJECT] Craft
Reply #5 on:
April 21, 2014, 02:10:04 am »
Nice portal. Was it from somewhere in WOW?
Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin
Registred Member
Posts: 69
Re: [PROJECT] Craft
Reply #6 on:
April 21, 2014, 02:17:24 am »
Only the textures are from wow but the model is from me.
hmm i think craft is to empty lets make a platform for an mall or something...
Ok now i see something about the blizzard map devolpment lets make this blizzlike, first step is to create the map and place the WMO´s as a box and later exchange the boxes.
Idea for Parasorm:
white < black
Created the bridge for the start:
Bonebridge ingame:
my custom tilesets are not working :cry:
New tileset for parasorm:
Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin
Registred Member
Posts: 69
Re: [PROJECT] Craft
Reply #7 on:
May 09, 2014, 12:06:59 am »
worked 2 hours on it, its not finished. Added some test M2s to see how this looks.
Here the new Parasorm map:
Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin
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GM Isle Explorer
Posts: 15
Re: [PROJECT] Craft
Reply #8 on:
May 17, 2014, 07:47:45 pm »
hax, keep up the work, its really good!
Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin
Registred Member
Posts: 69
Re: [PROJECT] Craft
Reply #9 on:
August 25, 2014, 08:06:35 pm »
So... Project [Craft] its still in progress i get alot ideas for it. in the last months i played alot of mmorpg´s like Wildstar, GW2, Ragnarok 2 and alot of more... but iam bored about this mmorpg´s i thinked back to "World of Warcraft" there is no existing mmorpg thats better than WoW but iam bored of wow, because i dont like the way that go Blizzard with it, you can boost chars to 90 buy some mounts that you can´t earn ingame for what?, are they not famous enough ? I remember on Oddworld Inhabitants who fought against ea and don´t want to ruin their firm and they swear that all the money spend into their games and the result is... awesome ! Now Remember on Blizz if they spend all their MONEY into WoW and not for Diablo, Starcraft or something, and if the whole firm work on a game ? the result is a Expansion with 5x more content or something.
But back to "Craft":
Iam a Newbie - Noob WoW Modding i don´t know how to work with c++ i just can copy and paste easy codes change some Path´s move the ui change Buttons on Loginscreen thats all, but i have alot of art ideas 5/100 , world design 5/100 i can modelling 5/100 , create textures 5/100. And my english is very Bad -10/100
If i play a mmorpg i always think on a own MMORPG and automaticly want to create a wow Private server because you can do everything "create models" "create scripts" and xxx more things. You get a wow emulation with the wotlk scripts codes, and the models so you can start instantly ! Create Expansions like edge of chaos, Hunger games, Jutsu Online or Maruum. I change the progress of my Expansion first i do the Gameplay like ui, movement, combat, skills, races, classes and after this i create the world so i keep the first models and maps in the background.
Ok, i remember on the combat system like wildstar, i hate autohit mmorpg´s where you stand infront of a monster and autohit you and every 10 seconds the monster cast anything that kick you or let you bleed.
You see a wolf level 1 and you´re level 5 he´s easy to kill but a wolf is dangerous and fast so you can´t kill a wolf easily. Lets look on the stats i hate so high stats like 500k+ damage 5k str... the best thing to keep that stats small to balance the game. Each stat should be useful like agi or int for warrior int increase the Weapon usage or ability knowledge and agi increase the resource or something. i dont want to use any stats for % dodge or blocking, i want to create a block and dodge ability. You can only get Spells from armors like Ice Shoulders [Spell: You learn a new Spell: Freeze] i remove all classes so everyone can get everything. That are things that i want to create first with my knowledge of Coding atm. there are no levels you getting better with gear. There are only these Slots left: head, shoulder, chest, gloves, leg and foot i try to get a modelled 3d chest leg armors with some Scripts.
I fix myself on the start because the start is the important thing to keep a player on the game.
lets resume...
Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin
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