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Topics - karabiber1

Pages: [1]
Noggit / (Problem) Noggit Crashes On Start
« on: May 26, 2013, 05:30:18 pm »
Hi everyone!

I'm new and tried to get Noggit starting, yet unfortunately it seemed to crash whenever I clicked on it and gave an error saying;

Runtime Error!

Program: C: UsersUserDesktopPrologueWorld of...

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.


Conf File:

#This is a config file template. To use it rename into noggit.conf and set your options
#Edit this to your WoWFile!!!
Path = C:UsersUserDesktopPrologueWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5a (no install) - Copy

#Edit this to your Project-Directory and uncomment if you want to use it!
ProjectPath = C:UsersUserDesktopPrologueWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5a (no install) - CopyProject File

#Set this to the file where you will import models from (the model viewer log for example :) )
#ImportFile  = C:UsersUserDesktopPrologueWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5a (no install) - CopyWoWModelViewer7userSettings

#The far clipping value. Set to 2048, 3072, 4096 etc. for a further look. Higher values need more 3d power.
#1024 is the standard value and will be taken if you do not set this value.



2 - (Noggit.cpp:130): Noggit Studio - SDL 1.2
564 - (Video.cpp:204): [Debug] GL: Version: 3.1.0 - Build
564 - (Video.cpp:205): [Debug] GL: Vendor: Intel
564 - (Video.cpp:206): [Debug] GL: Renderer: Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000
582 - (Noggit.cpp:87): Using config file.
582 - (Noggit.cpp:257): Game path: C:UsersUserDesktopPrologueWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5a (no install) - Copy
582 - (Noggit.cpp:261): Project path: C:UsersUserDesktopPrologueWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5a (no install) - CopyProject File
593 - (Noggit.cpp:302): Locale: enGB
602 - (MPQ.cpp:42): [Error] Error opening archive: C:UsersUserDesktopPrologueWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5a (no install) - CopyData/common.MPQ
602 - (MPQ.cpp:42): [Error] Error opening archive: C:UsersUserDesktopPrologueWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5a (no install) - CopyData/common-2.MPQ
603 - (MPQ.cpp:42): [Error] Error opening archive: C:UsersUserDesktopPrologueWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5a (no install) - CopyData/expansion.MPQ
603 - (MPQ.cpp:42): [Error] Error opening archive: C:UsersUserDesktopPrologueWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5a (no install) - CopyData/lichking.MPQ
603 - (MPQ.cpp:42): [Error] Error opening archive: C:UsersUserDesktopPrologueWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5a (no install) - CopyData/patch.MPQ
603 - (MPQ.cpp:42): [Error] Error opening archive: C:UsersUserDesktopPrologueWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5a (no install) - CopyData/patch-2.MPQ
603 - (MPQ.cpp:42): [Error] Error opening archive: C:UsersUserDesktopPrologueWorld of Warcraft 3.3.5a (no install) - CopyData/patch-3.MPQ
605 - (DBCFile.cpp:19): [Error] The DBC file "DBFilesClientAreaTable.dbc" could not be opened. This application may crash soon as the file is most likely needed.
605 - (DBCFile.cpp:19): [Error] The DBC file "DBFilesClientMap.dbc" could not be opened. This application may crash soon as the file is most likely needed.
605 - (DBCFile.cpp:19): [Error] The DBC file "DBFilesClientLoadingScreens.dbc" could not be opened. This application may crash soon as the file is most likely needed.
605 - (DBCFile.cpp:19): [Error] The DBC file "DBFilesClientLight.dbc" could not be opened. This application may crash soon as the file is most likely needed.
605 - (DBCFile.cpp:19): [Error] The DBC file "DBFilesClientLightParams.dbc" could not be opened. This application may crash soon as the file is most likely needed.
605 - (DBCFile.cpp:19): [Error] The DBC file "DBFilesClientLightSkybox.dbc" could not be opened. This application may crash soon as the file is most likely needed.
605 - (DBCFile.cpp:19): [Error] The DBC file "DBFilesClientLightIntBand.dbc" could not be opened. This application may crash soon as the file is most likely needed.
605 - (DBCFile.cpp:19): [Error] The DBC file "DBFilesClientLightFloatBand.dbc" could not be opened. This application may crash soon as the file is most likely needed.
605 - (DBCFile.cpp:19): [Error] The DBC file "DBFilesClientGroundEffectDoodad.dbc" could not be opened. This application may crash soon as the file is most likely needed.
605 - (DBCFile.cpp:19): [Error] The DBC file "DBFilesClientGroundEffectTexture.dbc" could not be opened. This application may crash soon as the file is most likely needed.
605 - (DBCFile.cpp:19): [Error] The DBC file "DBFilesClientLiquidType.dbc" could not be opened. This application may crash soon as the file is most likely needed.
606 - (FreeType.cpp:133): [Error] FT_New_Face failed (there is probably a problem with your font file)


Please help!



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