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Topics - dobidoberman1

Pages: [1]

First 3 months old system - preview bonus table ...

preview dbc online modification: ...

SmartSpellScripting is a new method to develop spells in your most comfortable enviorement. SmartSpelScripting gives you a coding free platform to develop your spells at any level of complexity, with no restarts, compiles or a C++ knowledge required - just like Trinity's SmartScript enviorement for AI development; Just for Spells.

Update #1:
The following videos shows my SmartSpellScript system in action where I edit dbc values on the spot, without restarts or dbc export and get them to function ingame ...

Working in the following platforms:

  • TrinityCore 3.3.5
  • TrinityCore 4.3.4
  • JadeCore/MistCore 5.x.x
  • TrinityCore / Other 6.x.x

What features does it has?
  • Hard Values: editing attribute, targets, basepoints, miscvalues, dispeltype, effect types
  • checkcast - adding check cast values such as "Only in water" or "Only from the front"
  • Filters: you can filter through certain targets and quantities, with typeid options and etc.
  • bonus effect - you can create new additional effects using the system
  • Consumption: you can mess with the way the spell consumes power like mana, rage, cooldown, aura stack and etc
  • Other: cooldowns, duration, globalcooldown, alternative power, damage, healing or anything else that a C++ developer use, you can use the same without the knowledge in C++


1. How does it work?

a. It works in a simple way, there's a specific connection from the database to the server that takes any modification made live and register them; Then upon server hooks - it'll either overrun or add additional effects upon usage (based on the user input).

2. What options does it come with?

a. Editing dbc files live using a specific casting (Attributex, Dispeltype, Basepoints, Miscvalues, Effecttypes and Targets [Anything that's server based really]), adding additional effects and messing with the way these effect handles targets in an efficient and easy way, adding checkcast options, modifying consumption (making Frostbolt consumes 500 Rage instead of 200 Mana for example), editing cooldowns, alternativepower, duration and many other interesting things.

3. How can we purchase it?

a. For anything related to purchasing the system, please contact me through Skype at taleoftheancientsofficial

4. What does it come with?

a. The system, spellworks, basic guidance, support in installation and a Github repository access.[/COLOR]

5. Can this create new spells?

Well not entirely, you may be familiar with how World of Warcraft works based on the client-server method. Client based modification could not be implemented using this system (for example new spell ids, changing description or spell names).

Though you can do all the rest:

1. Create new effects for a spell (with either overrunning current effects or just adding a new one).
2. Attaching a different spell to the current modified spell
3. Changing values of damage, healing, proc chance, cooldown, duration, targets, summoned creature id, mana usage, global cooldown, effect type (Ex: changing holy light to do damage instead of healing).
4. Adding checkcast options to a spell
5. Filtering through targets.
6. Summoning triggers or creatures at any sort with an option to select tempsummon type, time before despawn and started positionZ.
7. Editing all server side (spell.mgr based) values without restarting.
8. Code and test your spells on the spot, not reload button, no compiles, no restarts - no C++.
9. Even if you're a C++ developer.. it doesn't mean you need to enslave yourself to death with compilations and etc. There's no shame in using an efficient tool.


Texturing and 2D Art / How to change ingame UI resolution?
« on: March 15, 2014, 01:35:04 pm »
Hello Modcraft!

I'm wondering about a possibility to increase the Arena UI panel resolution to make it so it'll cover the entire monitor. My question is: If this can be achieved and also how?


Modelling and Animation / WTB| Customized Character Model Animations
« on: January 09, 2014, 01:03:02 pm »

I'd like to hire a model editor service for several tasks I have for model editing for In Game characters. I'm willing to pay around 120 USD for a person who'll be able to complete my tasks.

For further correspondence please contact me through skype at


Miscellaneous / Error| Changing client base version
« on: August 11, 2013, 05:40:26 pm »

So, I've been trying to mess with assembly, but as likely as it is - i got hindered by this..

So while trying to change the game base version (12340) to 12370, I found out that although my changes in memory i find that i still get that "client is not updated" error, although i changed the game version at the database.

I also out of desperation willing to pay for someone who can complete this silly task for me.

Best Regards

Level Design / [question] regarding map designs
« on: April 18, 2013, 03:58:24 pm »
so i've been attempting in the past month to edit the zooming, scaling values default values.
but somehow something poped to my head and its might be true.

whenever you get inside arena or a certain room,bg you camera zooming changes.
so i've been wondering if there's any option when creating a custom map to edit the scaling values, or just the camera angle in general.

sincerely daniel

Serverside Modding / [clientside] how to understand a dbc file
« on: April 14, 2013, 11:05:31 am »
i'm wondeing how can i understand a simple dbc file. the thing is when i open a dbc file such as: "CameraMode"
i don't quite understand what each column does since there's no explaination or declaration for them its just numbers.
my question are:
1. how i can understand what each column does?
2. how can i implement my own row and relate it to some specific map.

many  thanks again.

basically i'm wondering where can i access anywhere over the mpq/source files something about this following mechanisems.
1. zooming mechanisem - where can it code can be found? and mainly all the code behind the settings panel in the game.
sincerely daniel.

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