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Messages - Drikish

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Serverside Modding / Re: [DBC] CharStartOutfit.dbc 4.3.4
« on: December 16, 2016, 01:06:25 am »
Haha I remember the battle with this dbc file but I now understand it but it's been a while...

The way it works is the following + example.

Column 1 = ID.  
Column 2 = Race
Column 3 = Class
Column 4 = Gender
Column 5 = outfit ID (ignore)

So say we want to change human warrior male it is
1 = X (find the row with the below values)
2 = 1
3 = 1
4 = 1

You can easily find out the ids for each race, class and gender online and therefore target an edit easily.

The next columns are where it gets strange and complicated...

So basically it works like this and you need the following:
A) Item ID you want player to have (e.g ashbringer - 13262)
B) The display ID for that item (23875)
C) Which slot it should go in (16 - main hand)

When you have this data you can fill in the other columns.
The way it works is A) must match with B)  and C)
A + B + C are unique to every item you want on the char.

To try make sense of this we can do an edit with our above info....
A) Column 3 - 27 = Our Item
B) Columns 28 - 52 = Display ID
C) Columns 53 - 77 = Inventory Slot ID

Now the confusing thing is that blizzard made it so order doesn't matter how you fill in these fields for each item.

So for example we want ashbringer we do the following:

Column 3 = 13262
Column 28 = 23875
Column 53 = 16

This logic follows through - say if we want to add a helmet next or anything you like - move one along in the columns but use the same structure so next will be...

Column 4 = your helmet ID
Column 29 = helmet display ID
Column 54 = head slot ID

Next... say we want to do feet (remember order doesn't matter for adding items to this Dbc)

Column 5 = your shoes ID
Column 30 = your shoes display ID
Column 54 = feet slot ID

See the pattern?

I am not 100% sure on exactly which columns to start and there corresponding columns but the above logic is how this Dbc file works.
I suggest get one class working and then copy paste the whole row with all your data and change the race ID to make it very fast to add to other races!

You can find the Dbc file structure here :

The above should make sense - even if my memory isn't 100% on which columns to start / end each section.
If you are still struggling then add me on Skype: Ben.aldrich (Sheffield)

I also STRONGLY recommend using MyDbcEditor.exe for this not 010 as it is a lot harder to see or convert the Dbc to CSV and open in something cleaner like CSV edit.

Best regards,

Level Design / Re: Angled water surface
« on: December 01, 2016, 02:07:23 pm »
Take an ADT that already has angled water - identify the chunk in hex - copy it into your adt and do it with trial and error while manipulating the data to see what happens.
We have wanted this functionality for a long time and I don't see it coming soon.
The above does work as I've done it....

"Retro-Porting" / Re: Getting vmaps and mmaps from downported maps
« on: December 01, 2016, 02:02:24 pm »
You need to make sure the maps your changing are appropriate for the tools client...
Either convert the maps or inside the source files for the tools change the following before you compile in vmapextractor and mapextractor:
1) add custom patch name onto the source it's easy to see where these are listed.
2) change the version number of the game that's allowed - this might mean you don't have to convert the maps.
You will see an area where the build versions are for the game in the tools source files just add yours here.

You don't need to touch the other tools as they build off of what we changed.

Level Design / Re: [QUESTION] [WoD] Up converted map doesn't work
« on: March 23, 2016, 11:08:44 am »
Now even though this might seem like a world server error it isn't - the loading or V-maps and M-maps is not enough to crash you when you don't have them for custom content.
The problem you are facing is that you are using an old WDT or one that is made in talliis etc.
There is a set of tools called adt-tools - use these and then gruulz zone masher to make the WDT (it's far more stable).

Finally the issue can be caused due to rendering flags on adt's the best thing to do is to teleport to an area far away but on same map as your custom area, if of course it extends out....
Doing this and turning your graphics down to low is a good way to test if it's rendering flags or your WDT.

If you can see even the slightest bit of your custom area but crash when u get closer even on lower settings it's render flag on a broken adt and requires conversion again.
I can however assure you that it's more than likely your WDT.

Level Design / Re: [QUESTION]  how to create a wdl file
« on: January 26, 2016, 11:47:13 am »
Use WDTTools - it takes your WDT and will create everything you need for MOP.

I guess a work around for this at the moment until you get a better response about changing the location, is to simply either find a gun that matches yours in size/pipe location or use one as a base that already exists and mod it....

Level Design / Re: QUESTION convert custom wotlk map to mop but it cras
« on: January 21, 2016, 12:59:49 am »
First of all only use Phillips converter - it is slower but it is far more reliable and doesn't generate problems with render flags like the other!

What you need to do is this - put your files into Phillips converter... As tutorial says... And go...
Generate a new WDT for your map using the latest software you have, whichever tool - the wotlk one rarely works...
The only other file you need is Tex and MDL? (Ref tutorial I forgot) - these are generated with WDT tools - make sure you use your new WDT to generate these.

Compile in a patch and GG...

Always use a clean map when testing with either old objects in or little stuff changed - because it's better to ensure you can covert before you waste your time and find out you can't so do a test map to learn first...

You may need to update server DBC!
If you get server kick - it's probably render flags - try lowering graphics and see if it works - if it works then re-convert...
3) your maps and DBC should stay in enUS locale - trust me it seems to work better

Ghaster very kindly helped teach me to convert - and because of this I will help you if needed - PM for Skype IF required.

Level Design / Re: [SOLVED:Wod] Map editor?
« on: January 15, 2016, 04:29:49 pm »
This is incorrect to an extent - there is a modding tool for WOD - it's now known as NEO.
I only have some of the older rev's from Chromon a few months ago - but it works.
At the bottom of the board index - you will see a section called Neo - From here you can download the latest rev afaik.

Quote from: "Rusty"
Is the Skarn Project still being worked on?

It is on and off.
You can add me if your interested. PM me

Oh and also the lines are due to using blizzard alpha maps as a base - to fix this export blizz alphas and add them back as custom... Job solved.

Why don't you just flatten the specular map for those textures it's like a 30 second job.
Each of those textures has a specular map as a texture - forgotten the ending but it's like elwyngrass_R.blp
Or something... Anyway yeah either kill these - if you know much about 3D you will know how...

Hi there - the only way to stop npc's from running through wmo's is to generate M-maps for your server.
This generates a low res wireframe of vertices from the game world as a hole in chunks. The game then know a where, objects exist and calculates box movement according to logic. Aka if you jump off a wall the npc's will find a path down to you.

"Retro-Porting" / Re: [bug] WOD models
« on: January 19, 2015, 01:44:44 am »
This is most likely due to m2 version number being incorrect - open 010 and apply the m2template, I think it's the first section where version number is, I think wotlk is version number 264 but I may be wrong, try setting it to this and it should work. If not make sure 264 is correct for wotlk.

Modelling and Animation / Re: [QUESTION] Copy animations of models?
« on: December 14, 2014, 05:07:49 am »
I can show you how to do a working bone weight copy that will allow for the transfer of bones from one model to another and then show you how to apply the animation to it.

Pm me if you want

Modelling and Animation / Re: [QUESTION] Mdlvis, New Graphics Problem.
« on: December 14, 2014, 04:59:44 am »
Your on nvidia - gpu dedication is limited at 10% for non listen program's add via nvidia control panel or try add it from GeForce experience. Once it acknowledges it, it will dedicate its a power to it. Same goes for noggit.

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