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Content creation => Level Design => Topic started by: Alyx on November 08, 2015, 01:39:42 am

Title: [QUESTION:WotlK] Cata to LK ADT: Baked .m2's Buggy Pop-In
Post by: Alyx on November 08, 2015, 01:39:42 am
Tried just about everything, so as a last resort I've elected to consult the almighty Modcraft.

I'm working with an MoP/Cata content to LK patch done by someone(s) else. I forget the original patch creator so do forgive me! Anyway, on to the issues.

I plan to use the phased map of Gilneas for a little project I'm working on but when I isolate the maps, adt's, dbc's, objects and textures (as to make a smaller patch for friends to download and aid me in testing, since the original patch is ~10gb) into my own patch, everything seems to work just fine except for a select few .adt's. The baked doodadsets within these certain adt's seem to have this weird pop-in issue that also seems to be somehow connected to the player camera, as when I move the camera about the m2's rapidly blink in and out of existence. They also do not seem to appear until you are within 50-100 or so yards, and even then, they begin to do the buggy spazzing I explained previously. This bug does not occur when I load the original patch.

So my question is: Am I missing something? Is there something other than the DBCs, Map/minimap textures, ADTs, WMOs and M2s (and their respective textures) that I need to extract as well?

Things I've Tried: (None of which have worked.)
- Changing MPQEditor Versions (to check if anything was being damaged upon extraction/compilation)
- Making sure I have all the complete DBCs, objects and maps.
- Changing view distance in database worldtable.
- Extracting and converting my own ADTs from Cata/MoP/WoD installs respectively.

I've got to be missing something. >.<