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Topics - Devwaza

Pages: [1]
First off, I'm sorry to bring up this since I'm sure it's been brought up before. But I've searched around some tonight, and can't seem to find any tutorial or enough information to figure this stuff out.

So to clarify, I want to convert doodad .m2's and tilesets - not item/character/creature .m2's.
Yeah, I also know people have shared what I'm looking to accomplish. But all of these four patches containing the wanted files got broken links.

So if I could get some help here either with tutorial for converting or someone sharing the patches, I would really appreciate it :)

Random / [QUESTION] Where do you host your server?
« on: January 09, 2013, 01:37:43 pm »
So, to people who is paying for a dedicated server, who is your provider and what is your experience with them? Please include name and a website :)

Mod: Sorry if i've misplaced this post, im not quite sure if this is supposed to be in general or here.

Serverside Modding / [QUESTION] WMV character to mysql database?
« on: January 08, 2013, 10:47:13 pm »
Well, I was wondering if there is a way to select a character in Modelviewer, equip it with weapons and gear, and then somehow make the character design become a "entry id" for me to use in TrinityCore Manager's database editor?

Since I'm pretty new to all of this, I can't really elaborate but hopefully someone understands what it is that I'm trying to acomplish here.

Best regards

Noggit / [SOLVED] Noggit SDL1.2 - Instant shutdown.
« on: December 10, 2012, 01:06:22 pm »
Hello! As i try to start Noggit, it instantly shuts down.

As the forum wont allow me to post links, I cant do that in this post.

OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
OpenGL: v3.3
NVIDIA Driver v9.18.13.697 Forceware
DirectX: 9.0c - June 2010, 10.0
Visual Express 2008 & 2010
NET Framework 4.5

Tried running XP SP2 - compability mode, adding MSVCR100.dll to the folder, adding an extra  to the dir in the config, since it worked last time when it was complaining on wowpath.. still I cant seem to get it working. Help would be very much apprieciated.

Level Design / [QUESTION] Can't enter continent - "Raidgroup needed"
« on: December 08, 2012, 01:09:00 am »
Hello, this is my first post here, so I apologize in advance if this post is misplaced or a similar post already been placed somewhere. Anyhow, my problem is:

I created a new continent for my ArcEmu server, using Elou's "Worldbuilding basics" tutorial.

As for my three tries, the result is the same every time: when i try to enter my map (cords taken from noggit's cords.txt file), I get the "You need to be in a raidgroup" message. In the patch, my ArcEmu DBC-folder, and my wowfolderDBFilesClient, AreaDifficulty.dbc is included, and modified.

Kind of knew to this whole private server thing, but usually I can get things working without posting on forums. This one, I'm afraid not. Some help would be very much apprieciated. If you need images or information for troubleshooting, please say so.

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