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Author Topic: Help with retro-porting  (Read 776 times)


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Help with retro-porting
« on: June 01, 2019, 06:42:38 pm »
Hi there,

I've recently gotten back into wow modding after I barely scratched the surface last time I got in.
Spend some time setting things up again, everything seems to work beautiful. Previously imported creature and item models all work well.

Now after a while I needed some new creature models. Installed retail bfa, extracted some models and threw them in the MultiConverter.
The models seem to work, but the skins or blps certainly aren't. I'm at a loss here, hoping someone out there is wiling to help me out.
4 out of 4 models I extracted have the same problem, so hopefully there something small I'm doing wrong which someone can help me with.

Thanks in Advance.



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Re: Help with retro-porting
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2019, 02:00:18 pm »
Did you check skin file name ? In BfA names for textures are different
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Re: Help with retro-porting
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2019, 02:10:51 am »
New models have no hardcodet file path anymore. Just some numbers which in relationship with a database. The only thing you can do is to set each path by hand.