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Author Topic: [TUTORIAL] Back patch a client to an older version.  (Read 2176 times)


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[TUTORIAL] Back patch a client to an older version.
« on: May 10, 2010, 09:07:42 am »

Tools used:
-repair.exe (tool is included in wow)

To log in a emulation server you need the wow client version this server supports. Most times this is not the up to date version of the client. So you have to reinstal the client to get to the needed version or you can back patch your client.

With this mechanism you can only get back to the first released version with the same main number of your installed client. So if you have a 3.3.3 you can only get back to 3.0.1 and above. To do this first backup your wow folder and do the following steps wit the copy.

1. Delete all .MPQ files in WoWFolder/Data with the word patch in it. (patch2.MPQ, patch3.MPQ and so on)

2. Start the tool repair.exe in the wow main folder and chose the first option, reset and verify. This tool will ask you if it is ok that you get back to an earlier version of the client. Say YES.
After the tool has done his work, you have the older client also on your hard disk and can patch him up to your desired version. But take care not to jump to high in version.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
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