Tools used:
-only a text editor of your choice
To log in a emulation server you need the wow client version this server supports. If you have a newer version, then look at the Back patch a client to an older version tutorial.
To login to the server you have to change the file realmlist.wtf that you will find in the folder wowFolder/Data/"LanguageFolder"/. Where LanguageFolder depends on your installed client (enUS,deDE etc)
If you open up this file you will see something like this:
set realmlist us.logon.worldofwarcraft.com
set patchlist us.version.worldofwarcraft.com
set realmlistbn ""
set portal us
just change it to this
set realmlist <IP or URL of your emulation server>
set realmlist
set realmlist server01.com
If the login do not work correct after you have saved and tried to login, clean your cache and WTF folder in the wow folder. The cache folder contains cached server data and the WTF holds your account information and settings. But be prepared that if you delete the WTF all your in game settings are gone.