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Messages - xFivestarr

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FuTa / Re: [TOOL] FuTa - Adt file manipulation
« on: August 13, 2015, 06:55:41 pm »
Been waiting too long for an answer so..

Is there a way I can import/export 3 layers of Alphamaps into/from an ADT and NOT have all the chunks offsetted/bugged? FuTa just doesn't seem to handle it correctly. Thank you

edit: Taliis is like super-fucked up with alphamaps.

FuTa / Re: [TOOL] FuTa - Adt file manipulation
« on: August 09, 2015, 03:55:53 pm »
Quote from: "Hanfer"
i was talking about the version 2 link. i do not have the version 1 binarys anymore.
if anybody still has them please pm them to me so that i can update this thread too

Thank you Hanfer, but the issue remains. The chunks are still off in Noggit and in-game.

FuTa / Re: [TOOL] FuTa - Adt file manipulation
« on: August 06, 2015, 04:13:52 pm »
Quote from: "axel0099"
its futa 2 its called futa 1 because I have two futa folders :P

Strange, that means I have had FUTA 2 the whole time, but I still experience the bug with offsetted chunks

FuTa / Re: [TOOL] FuTa - Adt file manipulation
« on: August 06, 2015, 07:35:53 am »
Quote from: "axel0099"
there you go futa 2.0

Thank you but the download says FUTA1, when I try to import alphas with it, it's still off :/
If you could link me FUTA 2.0 I would be forever in your debt.

General / Re: Modcraft community
« on: August 06, 2015, 01:04:35 am »
I think that the forum just got pretty complicated and is really confusing. Im with you for the new design, but I'm still pretty used to the style of this forum and it's not really bad, though we should make it better organized.

Code: [Select]
- Maybe few proper moderators that could help maintain some order and structure in the whole forum. (I'm willng to help with this one)

Every sub-forum (Level design/texturing etc.) should have a Sticky with Up to Date tools, so people don't have to go through pages and pages of request and questions before finding the needed tool (mostly out of date..). Sometimes I don't even know what I'm looking for and if it even exists or has been addressed.
I'm talking about you, "Resources and Tools"  :evil:  it's one big mess for me.

Code: [Select]
- Perhaps if a tool is tested and working properly, move it to sticky.
- Make a general storage where a moderator would store all the up to date and tested (approved) tools. Really some download links to tools like FuTa are dead for months.

I know I may sound very naive, but a little cooperation between all the developers would be great. Like when someone comes up with a useful thing, it ends up being in a thread that is lost somewhere in the forum or is broken into more threads with dead-links. I think that developers should be more team-like, trying to make less tools but more complex.

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- The thing is: I come up with an idea for a great but small tool. Instead of releasing this, I would try to communicate with someone that has already made a tool in this area of modding and try to merge it together  into a single and more powerful tool.

To World Building, which is my favorite part of the whole WoW modding and an essential process in many of the projects here. I miss a tool or process where I could create a simple heightmap layout of my island or whatever I'm creating. I know this has been on the table for a long time, but I think that the whole process of preparing a custom zone with all the dbc editing and starting fuck-ups is really discouraging people from starting a project.

I agree with schlumpf on automation. We should make simple tasks automated to save time, we are all doing this in our spare time and the more we waste, the more demotivation comes.

Maybe, when a proper tool base with tutorials is established, we can start doing some monthly challenges to keep people encouraged and motivated. This would also lead to more simple and frequent additions with something actually completed (many people tend to start big project and failing after realizing it is too much for them)

Example of a challenge: Make night elf ruins on 4 ADTs. Make use of specific tilesets.

A winner could be given a forum badge and a place within ONE COMBINED PROJECT, where leaders would use these creations to form a single World. I know people have different tastes but if they had a chance to contribute to a single goal in their own way without doing the whole project alone, it would really lead into something epic.

FuTa / Re: [TOOL] FuTa - Adt file manipulation
« on: August 05, 2015, 10:41:39 pm »

I wonder, has the bug with offsetted chunks been fixed? Everytime I import alphamap, I got them off.

Also the download link doesn't work for me. Neither the one in FuTa 2.0 thread.


Quote from: "stoneharry"
Quote from: "axel0099"
you should try to find someone to do a bit of voice acting for the scourge npcs, would be cool.

I would love this, but it's hard to find someone who can do it and wants to do it. Plus you need to do some audio engineering to make it sound good. I possess none of these skills, and I can't find somebody who will do it for free and sounds professional, thus I will leave it unvoiced.

I've always wanted to try voice acting since I can do a lot of different accents and my pronounciation is superb (given that I don't come from an English speaking country). Though I lack any equipment, I can still try my best with low budget mic.

I will hit you up through PM and we can conclude something if you are interested.

Noggit / Re: [BUG] Noggit crashes when entering custom zone
« on: July 20, 2015, 07:32:47 pm »
I tried what Amaroth suggested but with no results. If I open the map in NoggIt 1.2, it goes without crashes (only ocasional). So I deleted the WMO I suspected of crashing and saved the zone but everything is the same. NoggIt 1.2 displays my zone as it should be but 3.0.14/15 is still crashing, still the same log. I wonder what could went wrong.

EDIT: My Client crashes too when entering the zone, also on the same ADT as Noggit.

Code: [Select]
This application has encountered a critical error:

ERROR #134 (0x85100086) Fatal Condition
Program: H:WoWModdingClient335aTestWow.exe

CMap::SafeOpen() failed

Noggit / Re: [BUG] Noggit crashes when entering custom zone
« on: July 16, 2015, 09:02:09 pm »
Thanks for the suggestion but I'm not really sure how to do that.

If I open the ADT in Taliis, I can see the WMO there, so what's the problem.

Noggit / [BUG] Noggit crashes when entering custom zone
« on: July 14, 2015, 08:28:05 pm »
Hello everybody.

First of all, great thanks to all the developers that made all this possible and invested huge amount of their free time into this community.

Now, It has been few months since I last used NoggIt and nostalgia really brought me back into world modding. I came back to my custom zone and started world building again.

Everything went really smooth for last 2 days - I made some changes, built MPQ, got ingame and tested my new zone like every few hours without a single problem, except just yesterday, when I spawned certain .wmo object (..nightelfsouthgatesouthgate.wmo), I saved, made MPQ and wanted to test my new creation ingame, but that's where it all ends, since I got a WoW.exe crash everytime I enter that zone.

So I decided to look into Noggit but it just crashes everytime I enter my zone.

I'm on Win7 x64
not certain what version of Noggit I'm using, It just says 3.Archive and it's this one "noggit_3.0.15" (The most stable noggit exe I tested from all the versions that I could find on the web)

Strangely enough, when I open the zone in Noggit 1.2 SDL, it goes without any crash or problem so far (though it says "Missing WMO" in the log), only that 1.2 thingy is choppy and laggy for me.

I tried to rename the ADT that is last in the log before the error so that Noggit would ignore it, and I can get in without crashing but there's the whole ADT missing, with the most work I have done so far :/ (Next time I backup everytime I make a change...)

Ok here's the log.

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