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Author Topic: [QUESTION:WotlK] Change target displayid of Shapeshift spell  (Read 1484 times)


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[QUESTION:WotlK] Change target displayid of Shapeshift spell
« on: October 20, 2015, 10:32:16 am »
Does anybody know if it is possible to change what a shapeshift spell morphs you into by editing dbc files? I thought i could just change the m_spellVisualID (column 131) in Spell.dbc and put that of another shapeshift spell and it would change what i morph into, but it just changes the morphing 'animation' and sound. I even tried putting that of Shadowform and it turned me into a shadowformed bear, but i'm still a bear.

 Is the display id of what the spell morphs you into stored in the dbc files, or is that information given by the server when you use the spell? Also is there a way to remove the shapeshift effect completely? I tried removing "36" from EffectApplyAuraName (column 95) but that just makes it so the spell doesn't show on the shapeshift bar.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [QUESTION:WotlK] Change target displayid of Shapeshift s
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2015, 01:08:54 pm »
Check SpellShapeshiftForm.dbc for existing shapeshifts, there creature displayIDs are stored. Spells which shapeshift characters reffer to this DBC at #111 field (1-based).

VisualID in spell.dbc reffers only to how spell itself looks like (missile, channeling and so on), but that doesn't apply to any kind of morph or summon spells.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
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Re: [QUESTION:WotlK] Change target displayid of Shapeshift s
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2015, 01:36:23 am »
I recently came up with a solution for this in 1.12.1, maybe it will work for you. The DBC you want to edit is CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc

Example (remember this was for 1.12.1 so it may be slightly different for you):
Row # 632 of CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc corresponds to the Druid Travel Form. I changed the "DisplayID" column (Column 2 for me) from 82 (Tiger.m2) to 453 (StormCrow.m2). You can also change the Skin here (Column 6 for me) but it has to be located where the model's default skin would be. This is effectively a model swap that leaves other mobs using the same model unchanged.

Then make sure to change the sounds/footprints/etc. in CreatureModelData.dbc (the row numbers in this file correspond to the DisplayID column in CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc)

The hardest part was finding the row # for Travel Form in CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc (EDIT: which, by the way, is supposed to be 918 for Travel Form except that there was a bug on the particular server that was making the spell use 632) since it doesn't use a unique skin, just had to use process of elimination, checking each entry that had "TigerSkinYellow" as its skin (luckily there weren't too many).


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Re: [QUESTION:WotlK] Change target displayid of Shapeshift s
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2015, 11:09:01 am »
Quote from: "leeviathan"
Row # 632 of CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc corresponds to the Druid Travel Form. I changed the "DisplayID" column (Column 2 for me) from 82 (Tiger.m2) to 453 (StormCrow.m2).
I would rather call it Model ID, to not confuse things while DisplayIDs are stored in CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc.

Yes, this way will definitely work too, you just need to find those displayIDs (which are in DBC I mentioned, at least on WotLK) and just btw, this can change some NPCs, too. It doesn't seem very likely to me that Blizzard would use form's displayIDs for any NPCs but hey, strange things can always happen.

And just btw, you might want to edit also textures used in CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc, not just model. New model can have all textures hardcoded, in that case this will work, but otherwise you would get green texture error ingame until you change texture fields in DisplayIDs data, too.

In the end, my way was quite the same, but much cleaner and safer ;). You need to change data used by shapeshifting spell. And its always better to create your own data instead of editing blizzlike ones.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
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