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Topics - XxXGenesisXxX

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Serverside Modding / [SOLVED]  Custom Class Crash
« on: May 13, 2012, 08:49:05 pm »
Ok, so I have made a new class (Added an entirely new one, not edited an old one). Done all the C++, all the DBC, XML, lua and all the DB stuff.  And the class works, can log into it. Tool tip says my character is a level 1 "Necromancer" etc. However when I try to go into the pane that has Character, Skill and reputation, my client crashes. And I get "ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal Exception". But the server itself doesn't crash or even have an error. Other classes work as per usual.

Edited DBC's:
SkillLine.dbc (Which I removed to test and problem persisted anyway. So can rule it out as the problem)
Talent.dbc (Talent panel works fine)
TalentTab.dbc (As above)

I can't figure out what it could be. Any suggestions? Or ideas? Just looking for places to start to figure it out. Pretty sure it's the client, but don't know why...

Serverside Modding / [QUESTION] CharStartOutfit.dbc not working.
« on: May 06, 2012, 09:44:22 am »
Not long ago I copied all my server, my WoW client, my backup client, other core's server, plus few more other backed up sections on to my portable hard drive and reformatted my computer. Now for some reason, whenever I try running my server, my characters spawn with their original WoW items + the ones I have set.

Here's where it gets weird. I checked my DB, it's set-up fine. So I went to check my CharStartOutfit.ebc and for some reason it was all set to 0. Every column and every row. So I went to go get a backed up one. Exactly the same? An untouched one from before the reformatting that worked normally before hand. So I though I would try extract a new one. The new one is the same as well. All 0's.

I even found another copy of WoW (different copy, but same build version) on another portable hard drive that hasn't been accessed in over 6 months. It even had the same result.

I tried editing it with Taliis; no effect. Resets it back to 0 after typing something in. So I tried converting it with a CSV converter. Did that, edited it. Tried converting back. It completely failed.

Any ideas or suggestions?

Tutorials / [TUTORIAL] Creating a custom profession recipe.
« on: May 06, 2012, 09:29:38 am »
Please note, I originally wrote this on OwnedCore, but it is my guide from there.


Well that scared most of them off... Anyways, been bored experimenting with a whole bunch of different things, and came across a method of making your own profession spell and plans. So I thought I would share it with everybody and make it as noob friendly as possible.

Firstly, just letting you know, I did this on MaNGOS (3.3.5). But should easily be done on ArcEmu and Trinity. Not so sure about different expansions though.

And all credits go to me for the guide.


  • Required Programs
  • Step One: Getting/Making The Items
  • Step Two: Linking The Tool
  • Step Three: The Plans
  • Step Four: MPQ Patch
  • The Results!
  • Coming Soon!


Step One: Getting/Making The Items

First off you will need 3 (or how ever many you want, up to 8 reagents) reagent items. I'm gonna be using these custom ones I made on WoW-V. They only have to be useless standard Junk items.

Next we need the item we want to create. I decided I wanted to create a weapon with my profession. So again, I made a custom weapon.

Next we need a "Tool", similar to a Skinning knife or Blacksmith Hammer. Again I'll be creating my own.

After creating them, put them all into your database (and patch if you're not replacing).

For Reference:

  • Sword of Professions ID: 100000
  • Experimental Matter ID: 100001
  • Meteorite Ore ID: 100002
  • Soul of a Titan ID: 100003
  • Eldar Binding Staff ID: 100004

Once that's done, open up your "items_template" in mangos database and go to your "Tool".

Then go across till you see the column "TotemCategory".

Now go to this page TotemCategory.

If you're replacing the Blacksmithing profession like I am. You might want to get the number for a Blacksmith Hammer which is 162. However you could use Runed Arcanite Rod (10) if you wanted. As long as you remember the number.

Back in your database, write the corresponding number in the TotemCategory for your Tool.

Step Two: Linking The Tool

Here's where the magic starts. But before doing it, I suggest you back up your DBC folder in case you make a mistake.

Open up Taliis and go to File->Open. Go to your Server DBC folder, then open "TotemCategory.dbc".

Afterwards click on the "Strings" button on the left panel.

Clear the bar next to the green and white + button. Then type in the name of your tool and push the button.

You'll notice down the bottom a new line has been added with your tool's name and a number. You can't copy the number, so write it down (or remember). Then click on the top "Table" button on the left hand panel.

Click on the old tool that you're replacing and type in your new number. When you click off it, the name of your tool should appear.

Save your work and close "TotemCategory.dbc".

Step Three: The Plans

Ok, gotten this far easy enough. Now we need to change an entire plan.
For this I have chose to use the Blacksmithing recipe spell Hardened Iron Shortsword. Which has the spell ID of 3492.

Note: To make things easier, choose a plan from the specialization you're replacing. I don't plan on posting outside of that yet.

We'll be using Taliis again for this part so open it back up (if you closed it). This time you're going to need to open up Spell.dbc.

In the first column look for the ID number of your spell.

This thing is huge, with many columns, I'll be explaining just the ones we need, but if you want to know them all you can go to this link: Spell.dbc - WoWDev.

The columns we'll be using:
  • 1: Spell ID
  • 52 - 59: These are what we're here for! The are the required reagents we need to change.
  • 60 - 67: These are the amount of each reagent is required.
  • 107 - 109: The all important numbers. These is the ID of what is going to be created. In my case, my sword.
  • 131: This is the visual effect when casting. Like the swinging the blacksmith hammer or disenchanting light.
  • 136: Well we have to name our plan don't we? Done through strings again.
  • 222 -223: Required Totems. Like, Arclight Spanner, Blacksmith Hammer, Eternium Rod. Can have up to 2.

All starting to come together now isn't it? :P

Ok, so have we found our spell? Mine being 3492.
First things to edit, what items are going to be our regents. Go across to columns 52 - 59.

For Reference Again:

  • Experimental Matter ID: 100001
  • Meteorite Ore ID: 100002
  • Soul of a Titan ID: 100003

Well I have 3 reagents, so I need to fill in columns 52, 53 and 54. Then 55 -59 need to be set to 0.
  • 52 = 100001
  • 53 = 100002
  • 54 = 100003

Next we need to move to columns 60 - 67. I only have 3 reagents so I'll only be using 60, 61 and 62.
For anyone who hasn't figured yet. Column 60 is the number of column 52's items needed. So if I set column 60 to 3. I will need 3 Experimental Matter to create the sword. Again the left over slots (in my case 63 -67) are set to 0.
  • 60 = 3
  • 61 = 5
  • 62 = 1

Time to move across further, to columns 107 - 109.

Finally we get to put our created item in! For me, I'll only be creating my 1 sword. So I only need column 107. The other 2 will stay at 0.
107 = 100000

Column 131. This one should be interesting. The visual effect. Personally, using a staff and magic to make a weapon, generally doesn't involve swinging the staff into the ground. So I'm gonna simply use the visual from Disenchant (ID13262).

Problem... I can't just type the spell ID into the visual ID slot. Gonna have to go to Disenchant's Spell ID and get the visual from column 131.

Now across to column 131 and copy the visual ID number in my case 3220.
Go back to column 131 of you spell and replace it.

Yay! Column 136! Time to name our spell! Unfortunately the traditional thing to do with creating a weapon is to name it after the weapon. Anyways... We need to another string. So click the "String" tab in the left hand panel. Do the same thing as last time. Type in the name you want and press the green and white + button.

Now yet again, at the bottom of the page is your item name and a number. Copy the number and go back to column 136 on your spell. Replace column 136 with your string number.

And finally! The last DBC edit of the night goes to... Column 222! Oh wait... I don't even need to do it... Well that's depressing :(

But for those of you who do need to do it. Simply input your TotemCategory number into it.

Step Four: MPQ Patch

Calm down, calm down... It's the final step! And all we have to do is put all the dbc's we modified into an MPQ patch.
Considering it's only 2 dbc's we're on the home stretch.

So, now we need to open up MyWarCraftStudio then click Pack-> Create MPQ Archive.

Go to your World of Warcraft folder then into the folder named Data. save the file as "patch-x.mpq" but change the number to one higher than the ones already in the folder. I saved mine as "patch-8.mpq".

Now click Pack->Add file to archive... Go to your dbc folder and select "TotemCategory.dbc" but don't push ok yet!
Instead put this in front of it "DBFilesClient". So that it says "DBFilesClientTotemCategory.dbc". Then press ok.

Now this time, right click on the folder "DBFilesClient" and select import file. Now find your "Spell.dbc" and click open.

Now go to Pack->Sort ListFile.

Now final step of all! Go to Pack->Save and close.

The Result!

Coming Soon!

  • Making gameobject requirements.
  • Adding recipes to trainers.
  • Adding recipes to recipe sheets (like Schematics).
  • Changing the Corner Icon.

Hope this helped someone!

If you find anything to improve this or any mistakes just let me know.

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