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Messages - Semga

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Miscellaneous / Re: [SOLVED] [QUESTION:WotlK] Third faction problem
« on: February 28, 2017, 02:50:28 pm »
After some time spend on the issue again: I have been wrong with the function. Problem with races comes in function(this time I am 100% sure) on address 0x004E1C20. It runs through races and factiongroups and devides them by Alliance or Horde. If race has other faction than those two hardcoded, then race marked as unavalible for creation.

Miscellaneous / Re: [SOLVED] [QUESTION:WotlK] Third faction problem
« on: January 04, 2017, 04:40:43 am »
Took me a lot of time to find the issue. FactionTemplate.dbc fields 3, 4, 5 can have values with byte size and maybe even more... Here it comes. Client read each of them as byte(or more) but checks made out in function 4E1880(GetAvailableRaces) are made only on 4 bits. So you can have only 4 factions. In every other place client stores and checks it properly, so it's still possible to implement factions in somekind hacky way with client memory writing/client patching. Custom factions still CAN be done for NPCs easily. By factions I mean FactionGroups(Horde and etc).
Hope this helps someone and it won't take so much time for someone to find it out by himself. And feel free to point me out if I am wrong.

Tools / Re: [TOOL] ADB/DB2/DBC <-> CSV convert
« on: April 23, 2016, 02:17:26 pm »
enGB and ruRU locales db2 from 6.2.3 not working for me. Problem with strings reading is that reading strings code always reading out 4 bytes as 0 value so it always references to string dictionary with key 0 and getting empty string. But strings located in dictionary with strings sizes offsets.

For the second: problem with not found key. It's happening in DB2File.cs, somewhere near line ~320.

And the last thing: maybe it's just my problem, but converting Item-sparse.db2 to csv giving me a lot of NaN values. And I guess it will fail on backward conversation from csv to db2 because of that.

Miscellaneous / [SOLVED] [QUESTION:WotlK] Third faction problem
« on: October 25, 2015, 06:03:24 pm »
Hello. So, I wanted to exclude night elves from Alliance team and create a separate team for them.
Firstly, I added a team in FactionGroup.dbc, here is the result:

Secondly, I edited ChrRaces.dbc, changed teamID in 8th column to 2 for night elves. As far as I understand, this value will be later used on server in Player.cpp method uint32 Player::TeamForRace, but let’s talk about that later.
So ChrRaces.dbc here:

Then I edited Faction.dbc:  removed Alliance racemasks from night elves faction 69 Darnas and removed night elves racemask from all alliance factions like Stormwind, Alliance and etc. Edited hostile races masks and friendly racemasks. Set parentFactionId to 1161(my new faction category, it’s a copy of Alliance faction category except for changed name and friendly/enemy racemasks and changed reputationIndex(2th column)). There is no problem here. Just for example, faction 69 looks like:

1783 - racemask of all races without nelfs and 8 - night elves.
Next, FactionTemplate.dbc. Parsed it and added to Hostile factionGroup mask(6th column) my new factionGroup mask 16 for Kaldorei, where Alliance faction is presented as hostile. Then edited player factionTemplate with id 4 which goes for night elves players. Changed FightSupport(4th column) to 17(As far as I understand, it’s a mask from FactionGroup which means 1+16 where 1 - Player, 16 - Kaldorei. For example for Horde player(orc) we have 1+4 and for human 1+2). Friendly mask(5th column) edited to 16 and enemy hostile mask to 14(which is 2(Alliance)+4(Horde)+8(Monsters)).
Okay, a bit about the core.
Added new data to enums

Changed Player class method TeamForRace(added new case)
uint32 Player::TeamForRace(uint8 race)
    if (ChrRacesEntry const* rEntry = sChrRacesStore.LookupEntry(race))
        switch (rEntry->TeamID)
            case 1: return HORDE;
            case 2: return NELF; // ADDED MY CASE HERE
            case 7: return ALLIANCE;
        TC_LOG_ERROR("entities.player", "Race (%u) has wrong teamid (%u) in DBC: wrong DBC files?", uint32(race), rEntry->TeamID);
        TC_LOG_ERROR("entities.player", "Race (%u) not found in DBC: wrong DBC files?", uint32(race));
    return ALLIANCE;
And ofc changed const method GetTeamId()
TeamId GetTeamId() const { return m_team == ALLIANCE ? TEAM_ALLIANCE : m_team == HORDE ? TEAM_HORDE : TEAM_NELF; }
So... Now my problem: everything works fine except that I can’t create a night elf character because client GlueXML does not create a button for night elves. Reason goes to CharacterCreate.lua file where lua function CharacterCreateEnumerateRaces() being called with lua funciton GetAvailableRaces() as params. So GetAvailableRaces() returns all needed races exept night elves. I see no reason why this is happening because if I try to create a night elf without a patched FactionTemplate.dbc on client and then set patched dbc back and try to play as night elf created before everything works as it should in every damn aspect.
After some research I came to conclusion that problem source is FightSupport(4th column) in FactionTemplate. As I told before, I set it to 17 as it should be for night elf player factiontemplate with id 4, as I described before too. But that’s also the reason it doesn’t work.

Miscellaneous / Re: [QUESTION] & [CURIOSITY] - How
« on: July 10, 2015, 02:12:23 am »
Its done pretty easy. You need only Spell.dbc(if you already have custom gobjects done). Item makes spell work. The spell you see is spell for temporary gobject spawning. There are bunch of default onces if you try to find(difference is in gobject being spawned, determined by gobject id in spell). Then on serverside you hook your object beeing spawned and save it in DB. Becuase without that action it will be spawned just in memory as temporary object for period of time. Taking of object, resizeing and moving done via special client-side code. Its simply sending hidden chat command to server for choosen action. But its unsafe so we have done such object spawning on our rp server too in bit different and simplier way. Youtube video:

Recruitment / Re: [PROJECT / WIP / RECRUITING] TopWOW
« on: September 06, 2013, 09:32:13 pm »
Hello. Wanted to take a look on your server. And noticed funny thing about your launcher. Well, I didnt really find any other problems, exept total fail in design and error with file. Launcher tryes to find it in enUS folder, but you probably forget about other lang. clients. So u need to recode it to fix this. I have ruRU client and it throws a error each time I try to start launcher. Wich informs me about not founded in enUS folder.

Upd: And its almost imposible to download patch. With current speed of 17-20 kbs. It gonna take TOO long.

Upd 2: Well, downloaded it. And here one more problem. Patch need to be placed not in just data dir - atleast it doesnt work for me even with your exe till I put patch in data/xxXX/ folder.

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