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Messages - Addikted

Pages: [1]
"Retro-Porting" / Retroporting model error
« on: June 17, 2020, 02:42:19 am »
Hey there,
I need help because I'm so newbie at model editing.

I downported a model from BFA to wotlk, and got error can't divide by zero.
After some research, found that this is because .skin bones has value of 0.

How can I edit to correct this data? How do I work with this?
Please help!, thanks!


Noggit / Error Custom Dungeon/Instance 5 Man
« on: April 17, 2019, 05:31:20 pm »
Hey there,
I'm making a custom instance/dungeon 5 man.

Everything works fine, I can teleport to my custom map if I set the map type to 0 (normal map) but if I change it to 1 (dungeon/party 5man) I can't teleport anymore.
Yes, I made 2 entries on MapDifficulty.dbc (for type 0 normal, 1 heroic modes) and still is not working.

Any solution please?

Noggit / Noggit - First Map - Terrain, textures??
« on: April 11, 2019, 03:40:53 am »
Hey there!

I'm working on a map on Noggit and I wonder how to do terrain stuff?

This is how my map looks, I will spawn some monsters there, add some trees and rocks but... terrain is flat, what can I do to improve it?
Also, textures, I'm using 1 texture, I tried to mix textures and look bad af.

Please help!

Noggit / Re: Noggit Water Problem
« on: March 22, 2019, 01:34:31 pm »

Thanks for your reply.

I painted it all Ocean and clicked on 'Regen ADT Opacity', anyway it changes color around walls. I mean water still all the same color, but well, looks fine so maybe I'm leaving it this way.

Thank you!

Noggit / Noggit Water Problem
« on: March 21, 2019, 08:33:41 pm »
Hey there!

I want to get this water effect:

But Noggit 3.2614 waters does not seem to blend:

What am I doing wrong?
Any idea?


Yo Steff, I'm very thankful for your Tutorials!
Very helpful, I'm designing my first Custom Dungeon!
I'm lost af cause It's my first map, really newbie on this, but your tutorials keep me going!


Serverside Modding / Problem with Custom Races
« on: January 24, 2019, 05:58:53 pm »
Hey guys!
I'm so happy I found this forum.

First of all I'm developing a 3.3.5a Custom Server, and I'm trying to add custom races.
To start, Naga and Fel Orcs.

I got these problems:
  • Naga: Male Model does not load textures. (But Female does)
  • FelOrcs: Female Model is bugged af. I think it's because .m2 does not exist for Character\FemaleFelOrc?

Also, Only customization to avatars is Skin Color, can I add more customization?

I'm new into modeling so I would love to get some help from you, Thanks!

Some screens:
URL Link - Naga Male Create Character
URL Link - Fel Orc Female - Create Character
URL Link - Naga Male - In Game
URL Link - Fel Orc Female - In Game

Resources and Tools / Re: Diablo 3-like wings (V2.0)
« on: January 24, 2019, 05:37:44 pm »
I love it,
how can I learn to do things like this?

Pages: [1]