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Messages - thesixth

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Igonre my last post, I've reinstalled and cramped everything I could on my poor little C: Drive and it seems to be ok for now. ;D

I do realize I'm taking this discussion way off-topic here, and I'm very sorry for that.

Kaev, I can attach a screenshot showing you how to deal with the boost installation path.
While doing so, I can point out that the same method didn't seem to apply to Git.

First off, the 'Findgit.cmake' file seems to look for a Git-version of 1.7 (or newer), which is nolonger avaliable.
It also looks for a file called 'git.cmd' ... md/git.cmd which was scrapped for a 'git.exe' wrapper ... -wrapper.c in 1.8+ versions, which are, unfortunately, the only ones avaliable for download right now. Otherwise I could exclude that from my troubleshooting aswell.
Ofc, the wrapper 'git.exe' isn't to be misstaken by the actual 'git.exe' since the wrapper is located in "git/cmd/" while the other one in "git/bin".

But anyway, topping that off, the 'CMakeError.log' tells me:
Code: [Select]

CheckIncludeFiles.c(2): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'pthread.h': No such file or directory
Which is very weird since POSSIX-threads is a Unix library if I'm not misstaken.
I certainly didn't have that header on my pc and I don't remember seeing anything of the sort among the requirements on either (Thanks phantomx, I've read thrugh everything there already as I always do my homework on beforehand. But indeed, it's good to recommend others to do so aswell.).
I got the pthread from but... at this time I think I've tried just about everything...

EDIT: Wait, Pthreads is a part of OpenSSL and I have that. I just have to figure out a way to get it working.

I'm not all that familiar with programming since I'm, more or less, the guy who does the paintjob...
I could quite possibly be an idiot because I am pretty much at loss here. I have no sollutions for this...

Hmm.. strange... I'll check back later with a possible sollution, assuming I can find a way around it.

Thanks for the advice!
Well, I had some old ArcEmu sourcecodes laying about on the harddrive along with some pseudocode ideas and I just went from there. TrinityCore eh? Been a while, I guess.
Anyway, feels great to be back here =D

I'm eager to check Trinity out.

Uhm.. perhaps a bit silly and off-topic question, but.. Does Trinity really assume I run everything installed on my C: Drive? Because I have a tiny 64gb ssd drive with little to no free disc space so I'd rather not install anything more there.
I mean, am I really supposed to point towards Git and Boost via the 'FindGit.cmake' and 'FindBoost.cmake' files in the 'TrinityCore/cmake/macros'-folder before CMake can configure and generate?
I had no luck in pointing the environmental variables in the system settings to my BOOST_ROOT, it was pretty much ignored, and then I found that the 'findboost.cmake' seemed to look for boost in 'c:boost'.
So far I've pointed out my Boost directory and it seems to work, but I'm loosing my hair over the Git executables cause it's no laid out in a similar fashion...
I've never had to do this any time previously with CMake and I can't really find any info that makes sense to me.  :S

I'm experimenting with a custom wotlk 3.3.5a server based on the, at the time, latest version of ArcEmu.
The idea so far is to have a character with both Mana, Energy and Rage.
Mana and energy regenerates flawlessly. Rage Generates aswell. (The extra powerbars you can see on the attatched picture, is a modification of the Druid shapeshift extra bars, and they also work perfectly.)

So, I have two questions to anybody experienced with the ArcEmu source or likewise:

1. How do I get rage to degenerate?
 Here's my current code on Rage degeneration, and I can't see anything wrong with it. Perhaps a fresh set of eyes could spot flaws in my poor programming skills.. ;D

In "Unit.cpp" under the "void Unit::Update(uint32 p_time)" function:
Code: [Select]
if(p_time >= m_R_degenTimer)
TO< Player* >(this)->DegenerateRage();
m_R_degenTimer -= static_cast<uint16>(p_time);
In "Player.cpp"
Code: [Select]
void Player::DegenerateRage()
// Handles the Rage Degeneration and sends info further on to LooseRage.
if(!isAlive()) // Don't do anything if the player is dead
return; // just skip it all.

m_R_degenTimer = 1500; // Set the Rage Degen Timer just in case.
m_R_degenTimer = 1500;
TO< Player* >(this)->LooseRage(-10);
void Player::LooseRage(uint32 decayValue)
// Further handles the Degeneration of Rage.
uint32 cur = GetPower(POWER_TYPE_RAGE);
uint32 newrage = ((int)cur <= decayValue) ? 0 : cur - decayValue;
if( cur <= decayValue )
newrage = 0;
newrage = cur - decayValue;
if(newrage > 1000)
newrage = 1000;
SetPower(POWER_TYPE_RAGE, newrage);

2. How do I enable combopoints for classes other than Rogue and Druid?
I have no idea where this code is located... -.-

Anybody has any ideas?
Thanks, cheers! =D

Miscellaneous / [QUESTION] LUA and XML error ?
« on: December 07, 2011, 02:27:00 pm »
I have the wow.exe patched to overlook edited LUA and XML - files from the locale.MPQ and it's related patches. I have edited several XML and LUA files with success. But, tampering with GlobalStrings.LUA gives me an error instantly. Why?

I have it extracted from the latest patch-MPQ and I can include this (unedited) GlobalStrings.LUA in my Patch-X.MPQ without any errors, but if I make even the slightest change, Wow closes the same second I'm about to "enter the world" with a character, saying I have to "delete the files in my FrameXML folder".

And that's how I know I haven't mesed up, since there's only strings to edit.... Do I have to further patch my client wow.exe or something?

Miscellaneous / Re: [QUESTION] Help with mouselook and keybindings
« on: December 07, 2011, 02:16:06 pm »
The plan is to make a little more options in customizing the controls. I agree this type of control-style should be optional.
To be honest, that add-on I linked to pretty much has everything I was trying to do, except the option for inverted mouse when useing mouselook. Looking at the coding helped me out allot.
Theese kind of controls should be toggled and customized from the game options-menu.

I think I'll be working with recoding this add-on instead, now that I have a fairly good base layed out to build upon. Saves some time.

By the way, once I'm done with it - does anyone have an idea on how to include my final "addon" in the clientside "Patch-x.MPQ" and how to *Not have it listed as an add-on but rather concidered part of the client-side UI?

Miscellaneous / Re: [QUESTION] Help with mouselook and keybindings
« on: December 06, 2011, 03:13:18 pm »
I think more people feel like me when controlling wow.
Have a look at this: ... kLock.html

Though, I want it in wow default, not in an addon :P

Miscellaneous / [QUESTION] Help with mouselook and keybindings
« on: December 06, 2011, 03:04:52 pm »
I'd like to re-map the controls of wow to get more of an "FPS"-feeling but I'm having some problems with this. This might be a little long since the material in the Spoiler is basically a log of my investigation around this. I have a mouselook-macro there that I find useful. Read if you are interrested, otherwise you can just scroll pass it.

[spoiler:yjrvu1eq]So...By opening the keybinding options in-game, one would notice a few of the basic bindings missing.
The missing binding in context is the right mousebutton which activates a "mouselook", or attacks/loots if something close is targeted.
The function bound to the second mouse button is called "TURNORACTION".

As I said earlier, this function is not present for custom keybing via the Keybindings-menu. In addition, it is not present in the file: "..//World of Warcraft//WTF//Account//accountname//bindings-cache.WTF".
This binding can be added to "binings-cache.WTF" and the line for it would be:
Code: [Select]
bind BUTTON2 TURNORACTION(This way, one can map the function from BUTTON2 to a different key if that is of interrest.)

However, by default, the TURNORACTION function is off untill the right mousebutton, or BUTTON2, is pressed. Without the button being pressed, the "mouselook" function is inactive, which means that by moving the mouse, I'm moving the cursor on the screen.
I would rather have it the other way around, so that "mouselook" is active by default, and only while holding down a modifyer like SHIFT or something, the cursor becomes active.

I'd like to switch place between the states of "default mouse-function" and the TURNORACTION function. The problem is, I do not know how to do this. There probably isn't a function to bind, equavilent of this "default mouse-function", sice TURNORACTION is only active while the button is pressed down, hence, the function deactivates and reverts back to "default mouse-function" once the right mouse button is released.

At: - I stumbeled upon a few WoW API functions of interrest.
Take a look at theese:
    IsMouselooking() - Returns 1 if mouselook is currently active, nil otherwise.
    MouselookStart() - Enters mouse look mode; mouse movement is used to adjust movement/facing direction.
    MouselookStop() - Exits mouse look mode; mouse movement is used to move the mouse cursor.

I tested theese API's simply by creating a macro in wow that consisted of the following:
Code: [Select]
/run if IsMouselooking() then MouselookStop() else MouselookStart() endBy activating this macro, I found the somewhat desired effect: Wow in mouselook mode, independent of holding the activator (BUTTON2) pressed down. In other words, the macro toggles Mouselook on/off.

//////////////////////////// NOTE ON MACRO ////////////////////////////
If you found the previous macro interresting, try this instead:
Create a Macro, call it "Mouselook" without the ".
Code: [Select]
/script SetBindingMacro("SHIFT-BUTTON2","Mouselook");
/run if IsMouselooking() then MouselookStop() else MouselookStart() end
This macro sets shift+right mousebutton to toggle mouselook on/off, however you will be unable to interract with things, like looting, attacking, talking to npc's etc while holding the shift-key. If you wish to use this, then you will need to click this macro once, only once and then no more. Do this: You can drag your newly created "Mouselook" macro out to your actionbar, click it, right click anywhere (to get out of mouselook mode), and then remove it from your actionbar (you won't need it there anymore since it's bound to trigger by holding shift and clicking the right mousebutton).
I use this when playing on the real, blizzard WoW servers.

Anyway, so far so good.[/spoiler:yjrvu1eq]

Again, at: - I stumbeled upon a few WoW API functions of interrest.
Take a look at theese:
IsMouselooking() - Returns 1 if mouselook is currently active, nil otherwise.
MouselookStart() - Enters mouse look mode; mouse movement is used to adjust movement/facing direction.
MouselookStop() - Exits mouse look mode; mouse movement is used to move the mouse cursor.

I seriously don't want to use a macro for this function, just for the sake of it being a macro.
I suppose that "MouselookStart()" can be set to launch via "..//World of Warcraft//WTF//config.WTF", though, haven't tested that yet. Because, theoretically, there's probably a CVar related to this API somewhere to set mouselook to be activated by default when loading wow.

Anyway, to My Question :
How can I have Mouselook always ON by default, but by useing a modifyer like holding SHIFT or CTRL to disable mouselook, thus enabeling the cursor for interaction? I'm not looking for a "toggle"-solution, in fact, I'd like to have an "OnKeyDown"-kinda function for this.

Texturing and 2D Art / Re: [WIP]  A little thing I'm currently working on.
« on: December 04, 2011, 12:43:06 am »
Yeah, I agree, the thumbs look a little odd. That's a definite fix comming up. Thanks for that.
I agree. It'd be cool to swap a few animations here and there, not all though.
Any idea how to do that?

Texturing and 2D Art / Re: [WIP]  A little thing I'm currently working on.
« on: December 03, 2011, 07:20:59 pm »
The concept-model is just about done for the male model.
It turned out great imo!

Since I like the forsaken very much I want to point out that this model isn't intended to replace the undead in anyway, but to be added as an additional race in a larger project.

Bones and stuff was already removed on the korean-version of the model (which saved me some time).
Other than that: the muscles has been tweaked and the stomage/hip is completely reshaped. The face is also reshaped, but not particulary much. Claws on toes and hands has been removed. The skin is completely retextured.

All that's left is some minor adjustments but for now it looks pretty much the way I intended it to.

To do:
There's a barely noticable gap between the upper and lower body, plus by reshaping the Jaw (which was three seperate geosets) made it look akward in some lights, as you can see on the third image in the second picture. I'd love to get some inputs on how to fix that.

I'm thrilled to hear some opinions and suggestions!

Modelling and Animation / Re: [RELEASE] Custom armor set
« on: December 02, 2011, 09:43:28 pm »
Nice work!
Very well done!

I totally see your point.
The disturbing thing about wow-armor is that it's stretched over the chest/legs like spandex, regardless of wether it's cloth or platemail.
The spandex effect cannot make any armor look it's part, thus in wow, you add shoulders to make your character look bulky, which leads to totally oversized shoulders and wierd shaped helemts, since that's about the only thing that makes the character stand out. Plus it's too much pink/violet.


Modelling and Animation / Re: M2i to M2?
« on: December 02, 2011, 08:59:16 pm »
I got a similar message earlier, can't remember exactly. Now, I don't know if you got it working for you since the last post and if so, perhaps someone else might benefit from this comment.

Here's an example of my M2Mod.ini Config:

InputM2 =   D:ModelOrcMale.m2
OutputM2I =   D:ModelOutOrcMale.m2i
#InputM2I =   D:ModelOutOrcMale.m2i
#OutputM2 =   D:ModelOutOrcMale.m2

The 'InputM2' is the original model, and the 'OutputM2I'.

Running this gives me a M2I file in my 'Out' directory.
(Make sure you have the '*.skin'-files related to your 'm2'-model in the same direcory.)

I then edit this M2I as I see fit, export it to the same file, i.e 'D:ModelOutOrcMale.m2i' and run this M2Mod.ini config:

InputM2 =   D:ModelOrcMale.m2
#OutputM2I =   D:ModelOutOrcMale.m2i
InputM2I =   D:ModelOutOrcMale.m2i
OutputM2 =   D:ModelOutOrcMale.m2

You need the 'InputM2' to be running in the config, and it needs to be the very same 'M2'-file from which you generated your 'M2I'-file.

This gives me the new 'OrcMale.m2' model along with it's '*.skin'-files in the 'Out' directory aswell.

Sorry, didn't read your last post entirely. If that's the case, I do not know what has gone wrong.
Here's what the "Guide" that came with my 'M2Mod.rar' says:

There are some rules to follow to ensure you don't break the model.

You must not rename the base name of any imported object, except for what comes after the dot. For example, "Attachment37" can be named "Attachment37.001" or "Attachment37.MyName". Also, "Subset0" can be named "Subset0.003" or "Subset0.temp". This rule is needed to allow the exporter to function.

You may rename Subsets, Attachments, and Cameras using the after-the-dot rule.

You may edit meshes however you want. You can edit vertex weights, vertices, UVs, subdivide, split, extrude, sculpt, remove doubles, etc. Just about anything that Blender will let you do to the mesh you can do safely without worrying about breaking the model.

You may not delete the armature, it is needed by the exporter to identify the other parts to export.

You may delete bones, but there should be absolutely no reason to do this. Bones not present are not modified during merge. Parent/child structure is never modified during merge.

You may edit the position of bones. The position of the head is the only position used. The position of the tail is irrelevant.

You should not rename bones or vertex groups. The number in the name of the bone determines the index of the bone that will be overwritten in the M2.

You may delete the cameras. Cameras not present are not modified during merge.

You may delete attachments.  Attachments not present are not modified during merge.

Don't mess with the parent/child structure of the objects, this structure is used by the exporter to determine which objects are a part of the model being exported.

Be careful that a single vertex does not fall under influence of more than 4 bones. But if it does, it's not much of a problem because the exporter will take the first 4 heaviest bones and drop the rest. The 4 bone limit is a limit of the M2 format.

Remember to triangulate your mesh before export if you made any quads, otherwise the exporter will try to triangulate the quads and it might not always do a good job.

Showoff - what you are working on / Re: [WIP] Pandaren Characters
« on: December 02, 2011, 08:48:55 pm »
I saw this first on youtube and I honestly want to say that I think this is truely amazing!

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