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Community => General => Topic started by: Steff on October 01, 2012, 08:04:45 am

Title: What MMO player are you?
Post by: Steff on October 01, 2012, 08:04:45 am
I want to start here some poll to get an image what you are interested in on a Server.
You can pick one till all points. If you dont understand one just let me know and I will explain.
If I missed some aspect let me this also know.
Title: Re: What MMO player are you?
Post by: iindigo on October 01, 2012, 08:17:18 am
What's "Inis"?
Title: Re: What MMO player are you?
Post by: Steff on October 01, 2012, 08:24:03 am
Inis is the short for instances. I rename it
Title: Re: What MMO player are you?
Post by: Sina on October 01, 2012, 12:14:32 pm
It shall be "PvP-BG" not "PvP-GB" or not? For BattleGround (Arathi, etc)?

Just to explain the things i picked:

PvE - Questing
It's not extremely fun, but somehow the base of a MMO. Much more fun, if it's mixed with some Soft-RP while playing together.

PvE - instances
I just love group playing :3 It's challenging (okay, not in WoW anymore, but in GW2 it is), you have to play together, mostly there are the most creative things in the whole MMO (boss strategies, pats, secrets, beautiful sceneries (maraudon :3) and always a great story beyod all)

(PvE - Grinding
PvE - Farming
Really no. If I want to repeat something over and over, which doesn't challenge my brain in any way, i smash my head against a wall.)

(PvP - Arena
To small groups, to unbalanced, no way.)

PvP - Open
Nothings funnier than the fear of being hunted, or killing the guy who stole your mobs :D Most times you get in trouble, your boring questing plans are destroyed and you have to think (!) what to do next.

PvP - GB
I love big BGs because it's one of the few chances, to arrange big battles. If somebody has some knowlegde and "makes the leader", it's really fun to me. Tactical fighting, defending, etc.

RP - Soft
After a long day in a tavern or while questing... without RP it doesn't feel like a fantasy-world, but like the stupid grinding/farming it all actually is (;

RP - Strict
Big world events which go deeper into the lore are another point, to make a mmo-world more living.

Mountain walking
Always fun while RPing, if you got no else reason for RP (:
There wasn't much things funnier than climing the mountain of Ironforge, under the deep blue night-sky of Azeroth, watching some stars and exploring secret places.

Fun events
Sometimes, you just have to make some fun (:
Title: Re: What MMO player are you?
Post by: iindigo on October 01, 2012, 12:39:03 pm
I won't explain all of my votes, but here are a couple.

• PvE (Questing)
I really enjoy questing if, and only if, it's done well. Original WoW's quests were great - doing them felt like an adventure. They also did not spoon feed you the entire story and only left hints and clues which you then had to put together on your own. NPCs felt like characters, not NPCs.

Mid-wrath and onwards, questing sucks. Everything is stupidly simple and obvious. There's nothing to discover - no more random quest givers out in the middle of the forest, no more randomly dropping quest items, no more long quest lines that lead into instances and raids, and no more pieces of the world which have no purpose that make you wonder, "Woah, what's that for?". Everything is streamlined… it feels very "McDonalds".

So basically if the questing is good, it makes a huge difference to me. If your quests are boring that's a big negative.

• PvE (Instances)
I love a good instance. Working through a tough dungeon and progressing through different wings is great fun. Things like rare spawns and instance quests make it even better.

Running down a hallway and blowing everything up effortlessly (mid-Wrath onward style), on the other hand, is as fun as a bag of rocks.
Title: Re: What MMO player are you?
Post by: Zorgo on October 01, 2012, 02:24:32 pm
Rp Strict....

Iam a roleplayer nothing more.^^
Title: Re: What MMO player are you?
Post by: Steff on October 01, 2012, 06:24:34 pm
It's not extremely fun <- For me its beside RP the best on an RP. If the quests are good.

Thanks and will rename to BG ;)
Title: Re: What MMO player are you?
Post by: Chronic on February 03, 2013, 12:11:07 am
I have to say I`am more of a Instance freak :)
I honestly enjoy doing dungeons more than doing quests
Title: Re: What MMO player are you?
Post by: Nortwin on February 03, 2013, 10:11:33 pm
Definitely strict RP.

I love immersive, engaging worlds where nobody goes retard and ruins the atmosphere.
Title: Re: What MMO player are you?
Post by: Rimewynd on February 09, 2013, 03:20:06 am
Quote from: "Nortwin"
Definitely strict RP.

I love immersive, engaging worlds where nobody goes retard and ruins the atmosphere.

Basically the above.

Honestly, my favorite thing to do is actually go questing and RPing at the same time (or even better, RP through an instance!), but I've known very few people of late who like doing that sort of thing, and a lot of MMOs are starting up with these time-trial things that are making that harder.
Title: Re: What MMO player are you?
Post by: Gamh on February 16, 2013, 03:22:45 am
The best thing in MMOs is doing unusual stuff, like hiding in Orgrimmar and spam the /2 that you will give 2000g to anyone that find you (which never happened), or exploring funny hidden landscapes forgotten here and there by the devs.

PVE was funny (only the raids with my guild, else it's meh), and PVP sometimes too (some fun in arenas).

Don't play WoW anymore, it is a dead game ! Mod it instead :D
Title: Re: What MMO player are you?
Post by: Konnla on February 20, 2013, 03:35:47 am
RP and PvE is for sure the most fun aspects for me. PvP is a good time killer, or easy way to gear up normally.
I've always been a fan or RPing my way through raids or large events. I think at this point I know more about WoW's lore than I know about real history...

So I'd have to say Strict RP / PvE
Title: Re: What MMO player are you?
Post by: Kaev on March 17, 2014, 01:21:14 pm
Instances, RP soft+strict and fun events.
That was my half day in my active retail days.. :D
Title: Re: What MMO player are you?
Post by: Milly on March 17, 2014, 01:22:55 pm
ERP for daysssss. I mean.. wut?
Title: Re: What MMO player are you?
Post by: Kaev on March 18, 2014, 04:52:50 pm
No.. just no, Milly  :D
Title: Re: What MMO player are you?
Post by: Alastor on May 15, 2014, 12:07:10 am
its like ... Once a time i was Great and powerful PVE Draenei DK but those times are gone ...
Now ... its all about RP
as well
I was Leadr of SisterHood Stained but i failed and times changed so i changed too
But as time was running out i became modder and now ima complitly new mind
as well.............
But i will rise again ! to fight on battefield one more time ! ( :D )
Then i became a Legend
Now I'm heading to new ways
Title: Re: What MMO player are you?
Post by: ComputerRat on November 18, 2014, 04:08:39 am
Instances seem like a popular category

I enjoy a bit of RP here and there, but not about my live characters, about my modding
Title: Re: What MMO player are you?
Post by: Amaroth on November 18, 2014, 08:27:33 am
I was PvP - BG on instant servers, than PvE - Raid + PvP - Arena/BG on blizz, than PvP - Arena on a few instants and one blizzlike server and now I am strict RP player... Well, what should I check? :D
Title: Re: What MMO player are you?
Post by: Selaya on December 28, 2014, 09:46:45 am
dat spambot necro doe
Anyways, Endgame PvE (raidin`).
Title: Re: What MMO player are you?
Post by: Solarion on December 30, 2014, 11:03:34 am
My favourite aspect of WoW is questing around the world, finding rare mobs, treasures, etc, solving puzzles ( though there aren't many in WoW they make great quests! ), exploring the zones, finding hidden areas that are pretty and have nice views and maybe a treasure, doing dungeons, getting awesome loot ( I just love the feeling of lotting that rare/epic item off a treasure chest, rare mob or a dungeon boss. I prefer dungeons over raids because they are 5-man content ( well they can be made for less people as well, if they are custom ) and don't lag for me as much as raids do ( I have 1 FPS in raids ). I like it when everything is mixed up together. You enter a zone, you see enemy players and fight them, you do quests, you find treasures and rare mobs, you get quests to explore some area and you find a dungeon there or a castle with some elite mobs ( group quests ) and you get a group together and vanquish that dungeon or castle or whatever. I am quite into leveling alts, questing and exploring so if you want I can go into further detail and tell you what makes a great questline, zone, dungeon etc, from the viewpoint of a player.
Title: Re: What MMO player are you?
Post by: MountainLion on February 19, 2015, 05:15:54 am
I also voted Questing and Instances because they are cool... But my heart belongs to competition. I'm full PvP but you already know that. Nothing beats losing to better players than you and then becoming better than them and beat them back ;)
Title: Re: What MMO player are you?
Post by: PacWhite on March 30, 2015, 10:37:08 pm
I like to walk on the landscape in Games :'D I fish, i craft ill chill - not really a hardcore gamer^^ oh and i like to find bugs in games :'D ive reportet 3 Bugs to Blizzard -.- and Mapping Fails...
Title: Re: What MMO player are you?
Post by: Gumby Gamer on June 13, 2015, 04:28:05 pm
Mainly PvE , but Pvp is pretty fun too when done with friends either as team or opposing forces.