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Author Topic: Asking for Guidance!  (Read 1277 times)


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Asking for Guidance!
« on: January 10, 2019, 12:48:50 am »
I have written a whole monologue about asking for help in spell editing, but the site crashed and I lost all my writings so far! So I start again with a quick fully problem oriented shorter version!

I would like to edit spells , but I dont know what the MISC VALUE A B C means/connected to/related to/working method etc.
And I feel like I have been surfing the net sinces ages to find information about what I am facing, how I could understand the working method...yet I did not find any potential "explaining" posts or threads or whatever!
So I registered here, " I put my faith in the Light"  :D, and I can just hope that among this forum members there is someone who figures it out, and will be so kind and helpful to share these information with me!
I do apologize if I have written my post/topic at a very wrong section! Please forgive me, won't happen again!
Thank you in advance!

Good Gaming!
« Last Edit: January 10, 2019, 12:56:39 am by Hunzo »