Forum > Software Development

[SOLVED] [QUESTION/Problem] ADTAdder-Cracked 

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Hello Modcraftiers!

My problem is a little bit freaky. I want to start a new Map, check them with ADT-Adder and wanna fix them with the mini-Tool "Off-Set-Fix(.exe)"

So on... that cracked my computer a bit (Destroy a profilregistry at -> HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrent VersionProfileList) so i have a long time only a freaky-shit temporary profile -.- (but this is solved, no matter yet but that you have to know)

I open the taskmanager and holy moly... over 2.900+ times open!

and if you want, a other pic:
I have also a little phone-video about to try kill the task if you want *gg*

So my computer gonna weird. No tasks are closeable. to shut down the PC are also impossible and out of the question only push the power button... i've try to close it with a taskkill (cmd) and this also dont work...

Blablabla... my two questsions:
What runs wrong? Ive download the modding-zip new and try it again (same problem)

What i can do now to clip the adts?


During the last 3 days the similar issue has been reported for ADTAdder and Cryect tools. I think it may be related to some of the recent Windows updates. Microsoft seem to have sucked again.

Mr. DK:
Yep its probably the windows update. The one where they changed the starting menue...
Im ortty shure the menue is not the issue. But something diffrent. My laptop has not updated yet and there its still working.

If you still need the Adts send me a Template and the cordinates u need an Ill upload them for ya.

RIP in Win7 i personaly would never recommend higher Win for WoWmodding since all possible tools we use are homie programing and Micrusuft is in these days creating systems that controls you not you them so RIP in OS with so many lame protections and crapy improvements just to literally cock block all sandboxers

Mr. DK:

--- Quote from: "Alastor" ---RIP in Win7 i personaly would never recommend higher Win for WoWmodding since all possible tools we use are homie programing and Micrusuft is in these days creating systems that controls you not you them so RIP in OS with so many lame protections and crapy improvements just to literally cock block all sandboxers
--- End quote ---

So much hate. But not very helpful. No offence but last thing we need atm is random hate spiled into topics...


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