Forum > Project Y.H.O.O.L.

Y.H.O.O.L.'s presentation

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Project’s presentation

1 What is Y.H.O.O.L. ?
Y.H.O.O.L. is a free World of Warcraft private server with a more realistic approach in its gameplay (sandbox-like).
It’s not a simple server with a twist, but rather a new way of playing World of Warcraft and even more, a new way of playing MMORPGs.
The expansion used is Wrath of the Lich King, version 3.3.5a.

2 Features
Main features are :

* One life only - permanent death. This will bring political struggles on the table.
* No factions (Free For All) - everybody can be killed. Beware of betrayals.
* Players’ corpses can be looted (full loot PvP).
* World PvP only.
* World/outdoor PvE.
* Players can store a very limited amount of items, retrievable after the death of their character.
* Much more freedom (less limiting systems/scripts, less farming...).
* Much more realism and depth (no more names upon players’ head and several other features).
* No ingame rules, it’s the law of the jungle. You can make a name for yourself (remember Vanilla legends ?).

3 What makes Y.H.O.O.L. unique and exciting ?
If you have already read the main features above and have a wide knowledge of video games, you might already picture why this server is unique.
To sum it up : it features permanent death and full loot PvP combined, which is almost never seen in MMORPGs since you are supposed to invest time into your character. The gameplay will be based on player interactions and not on a static content (PVE). All the features will put emphasis on sociability, an aspect that disappeared with most theme park MMOs, and will permit a lot of freedom for an incredible complexity/depth and constant renewal of the gameplay.

4 Goal of this project
This server is first and foremost an experiment on how to bring a real permanent death (permadeath) MMORPG to life, in all its aspects :

1. Gameplay/game design - Renew the MMORPG genre, appeal to hardcore players with lots of time at their disposal but also those who can only play casually (like me). Players are scared by such a (hardcore) concept since they are used to simple, and non-challenging games, games without any risk and as a consequency, without reward aswell.

2. Technical - Find solutions to permadeath with lags, hackers, crashes, rollbacks, multiple accounts etc...

3. Economical - Nobody wants to invest any money into a character that has great chances to be deleted (once deleted, it is gone for ever, you can't buy an ankh). Therefore, is it viable economically ? The most widespread answer is “no”, so the goal is to turn it into a “yes”, not to make lots of benefits. The money will be reinvested into the server and the team.

So, the aim is not to gather 50 or 100 players (which is the usual result of any custom server), but rather 1000, 1500 or more, like a blizzlike server, and keep them entertained for years. As daring as it seems, it is very possible if everything is planned and well thought/analysed.

Detailed informations on the website here :


--- Quote from: "Barbz" ---Detailed informations on the website here :
--- End quote ---

I want to play

since this is a FFA will there be learnable languages?

If you need help send me a private message to sen8sei_wowdev on skype, I can do several things. Project is interesting.


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