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Noggit lifeseed

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Paralell to map work I also do some development again on noggit lifeseed.
It is an ingame Addon that guves you an interface for the existing GM commands to fast create serverside content.
If the commands that exist are all implementd I want to create some new for quest creation for example.
But step by step. First I had to update the addon that it works in wod.

After this I started to implement waypoints as a first function. The UI is still in technical testing state. I will change it to something more practical if the techs tuff works and I know what features it will have finaly.

Here a video of the old wotlk version. Current state is optical nearly the same only waypoints get added. You cna find some screens of wod and waypoints editor under the video.


A selected rabbit with opend up unit selection window. Yea rabbits are Warriors :)

Now start waypoint editor and add 3 waypoints. After hit finish they get created and activated.
Also waypoint switched to edit mode. Now you can change the existing waypoints and exit the editor back to unit selection.

Sadly there is a bug in trinitys .wp show off command. I have to fix this else the waypoint globes will stay. Only gm see them but it is not nice.

Very interesting…I have to admit I’ve found it time-consuming to fine tune waypoints and this seems much more efficient.  I like what I’m seeing.  I do have a few questions:
Can the add-on input values into the waypoint “point_comment” field (so it could be flagged, in case you want to easily find the new entry and export a sql backup)?
Can existing waypoints be modified or is it just for creation of new points?
Currently are there any other commands that are active, like adding creatures/gameobjects or modifying their positions?

Impressive, I give you 2 thumbs up.

That's one of the things i never knew i wanted, but i want it now! :)

thanks you both.

in the moment only add creatures and waypoints are done.  but i want to add all this stuff.
first i have to fix some trinity commands.  wp show off do t work.  so after 20 minutes you stand in hundreds of glowing balls.  becaus trinity dont delete them agai.

also the. wp unload is bugfed becaus it just delete the full cresture addon table.  not only the waypoint link.

i always like when is someone using MacroButton or that LUA handled things for changing speed of character of even turn on fly but my answer was much more handy :D
to be hones i never used fly or speed commands for 4. years now :D

only because simple thing like is automated starting this hack once i start Wow.exe


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