Forum > Maruum

Maruum is back!

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Mr. DK:
Hello Modcraft.
It's been a long time since anything has been heard from this project. We have gone a long way to reach this day.

Today I am proud to announce the rebirth of Maruum. I will start posting several topics on different stuff such as team members, concepts and other things.

So let's talk a bit about the project. Our main goal is to create a playable environment for all those who enjoyed playing World of Warcraft. It's not going to have fancy-fun-stuff such as Naruto or race cars. On the technical side of things, we will use a WoD-Server. It will be traditional in many ways compared to retail WoW. Not so much in a graphic or mechanic sense, but rather more in a way that we will not have stuff like LFR or similar casual content. This doesn't mean you have to be a hardcore player to play Maruum, this means the effort you put into the game will result in the stuff you achieve.

Our main focus will be PvE. Like in WoW, we aim to provide raids and dungeons. We will stick with the common group system with tanks, heals and dps. We aim for 10 , 20 and 25 man raids as well as 5 man dungeons. The 10, 20 and 25 man raids will be separate instances as they were back in TBC in order to make game-play more interesting. Besides that, we will provide PvP content such as arenas and battlegrounds.

The world of Maruum was completely designed by the team and has nothing in common with the World of Warcraft. Our Lore-Weavers will create a large background to ensure a living world. This leads me to my next point: Classes. We will have 4 classes at the start, however, this is subject to change as we will most likely add more classes in future updates.

The last thing for this post will be our plan for the future. We plan to release a series of Developer Diaries showing development.

This would be all for now.
DK - Maruum lead Designer

Hi, glad to read about Maruum it's been a long time I was waiting for a such new ! Can't wait to see more about this project, keep up the good work ! :)

Nice to hear that Maruum is back. :)
Is there a specific reason why you choose WoD? The server files still have really much bugs and much stuff is just unfinished. Maybe i'm wrong with that, but i'm pretty sure that this will interrupt the development of Maruum at some point for some time.

Mr. DK:

--- Quote from: "Kaev" ---Nice to hear that Maruum is back. :)
Is there a specific reason why you choose WoD? The server files still have really much bugs and much stuff is just unfinished. Maybe i'm wrong with that, but i'm pretty sure that this will interrupt the development of Maruum at some point for some time.
--- End quote ---

Yes there will be bugs. But we feel like it is time for the Modding community to advance. Back in the days of wotlk modders tried to do there best even though they knew the core was full of bugs. We will to handel. And with trinity mainly developing WoD now we are confident this will work.

No one should be afraid of bugs. That's the reason we are still on 335 most of the time.


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