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Topics - ProfVice

Pages: [1]
Level Design / [QUESTION] Crshing Whater with new Skybox
« on: October 04, 2014, 08:03:00 pm »
Heyo after a long time i tried a little bit of modding again... and after a while i add Water to my little island and play a little bit around, anything works fine... so i decide to add a few ambient light by editing the light.dbc.
Works perfect until the moment i tried to go underwater, in the moment i dive the game crashed. So i tried to fix it by myself but with 8 different Skyboxes and lightparams.dbc refs theres no difference.
So at this moment i can add Light on a part of forrest, but at the moment the "Light Circle" touches an ADT with water i cant go underwater without crash.

Anyone who knows a Solution?

(And i hope you understand my problem  :D    )

(Zu Deutsch: Ich hab ne Insel mit Wasser und 2 einträge in der Light.dbc dafür, 1 eintrag setzt nen bissl nebel in wald die andere soll nen tollen himmel übern wasser anzeigen, aber egal wie ich dias 2. licht auch in der light.dbc und lightparams.dbc einstelle es stürzt ab wenn ich im wasser tauchen will. Wenn ich den 2. Eintrag lösche gehts wieder ich kann ohne probleme tauchen, also irgendwas passt in dieser Kombi Custom Map, Custom Light, Custom Wasser nicht aber ich bekomm einfach nicht raus wos problem liegt, da die Skyboxen die ich getestet habe ja auch im standard WoW vorkommen)

Miscellaneous / [DBC] Emotes from Cata/Mop to 3.3.5
« on: April 30, 2014, 05:18:57 pm »
Hey guys, i converted Worgen, Goblin and pandaren a while ago and after a long pause i restart my works, so i tried to convert the Animations/Emotes like Meditate and Worgen Transformation from MoP to Wotlk but it seems to not work at all.

So what i tried so far:
I changed the AnimationData.dbc and the Emotes.dbc like this:



put it in a patch for client and in the dbc files of my trinity Server, used .mod stand 477  ingame... and nothing happens.

So i think i miss something but i dont know what and i hope anyone else can help me.

Modelling and Animation / [QUESTION] Worgen Convert
« on: December 16, 2012, 05:56:00 pm »
I have tried to Convert the Cata Goblin and Worgen to Wotlk but ive got a problem with it.

So i extract all Textures, Convert the Model, and edited this dbcs:

(i also make the edits of the glue files to chose the goblin and Worgen in char creation)

then i make the MPQ and tried it in Modelviewer and Ingame.

In Modelviewer i can see everything and all works perfect
The Goblin Works ingame, but when i choose to create a Worgen, the game crash with an Access_Violation
First i thought it was the Model, but after a morph ingame i see the model works so i dont know what the problem is.

so i need some help, any solutions?

Modelling and Animation / [SOLVED] Bug with Cata Items
« on: November 08, 2012, 07:16:58 pm »
I searched at least one hour to find a solution but i cannot find any so i opend a thread for it.

I was playing with the pandaria client and the modelviewer and after a while i found that nice little Gilneas Head Item. So i export it from MoP, use the converter make the DBC part and so on but then i get a problem.
The M2 is visible with texture in the Modelviewer, the M2 is visible without texture when i spawn it ingame as an object, and when i try to wear it i only got this little block on my head.
Tried to change the textures in the M2, edited it with 010 but nothing happens its everytime the same problem.

here a screen: Bug

Showoff - what you are working on / [SHOWOFF] Kelavia
« on: October 21, 2012, 03:41:56 am »
This is the first township of my new Map, its a medieval styled town for a scottish like nation.

The screens was taken after 10 hours of Work, so its quite a lot of work.
The Twilight Higland 2story will be darker textured in later version and there will be more details in next version.


Level Design / [QUESTION] Convert WMO
« on: October 20, 2012, 12:23:11 pm »
Ok i have tried to convert a Worgen house to wow 3.3.5 so i open the wmo with notepad look for all .m2 and convert them. pack all in a patch an spawn a house with Noggit on a testing map.
Ingame i can see the Wmo from a distance but when i come near to enter the building, the game crashes.

another problem is the texture, in noggit everything is ok but ingame the textures are violet and i do not know why.

so can anyone help?

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