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new file system CASC

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This should help!

MR. Farrare:

--- Quote from: "Shelldon" ---
--- Quote from: "raeef" ---realy how did you find all of these there is to many blp files how did you find the skin files very fast or you just searched 1 by 1
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I did two simple 010 editor scripts. One of them should find the first .skin file of model (using Properties value from model) then second one will find 3 more skins with the same value of Triangles from
Maybe it can be done easier, I just took some of the first same values of .m2 and
--- End quote ---

can you share the scripts if you wish it will be a great share and a great help for finishing the converting of WOD models

Ok now we got All The Wod Models in Folders with Textures and skins. We dont need to unpack the files it works easily with the wow exe you got there the Casc Unpacker ^^

Krang Stonehoof:
I just got this.

MR. Farrare:

--- Quote from: "Gurluas" ---

This should help!
--- End quote ---

thx a lot for this but where is the skins like im trying to search for grommash skin what folder that I search on it

im trying to right the paths to the file list blp and about the skins file


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