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[QUESTION] what is your best tv series

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Now that I think about it, I haven't watched any series consecutive for about... 5 years. I seriously can not understand the huge hype for some series.

MR. Farrare:
still better than some anime addict :lol:

Doctor Who (BBC series, many agree that older episodes are better) - SciFi/Drama.

I think every doctor has his own style ;)

Did you know that it is the logest running SciFi series ever. The new episodes are not a new series it continues it. The doc can (as a timelord) regenerate after he dies. But he get back with new look and changed personalety. BTW is Torchwood a spinoff series of Dr. Who. And some guys even think that Captain Jack Harkness is the face of Boe.

MR. Farrare:
i watch only two episode of docter who the old and the new werewolf episodes :twisted:

How far back are we are considering?  Space 1999 and Buck Rogers will always have a soft spot in my heart...of course I haven't seen them in about 20 years so who knows if I could stomach them anymore :)


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