Forum > Random

new file system CASC

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MR. Farrare:

--- Quote from: "Soldan" ---Ogre: Corrupted geosets that you will have to take out by hand. I had to do the same with the taurenmale HD model
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did you do the HD models cool can you do a TUT and ty about the hint I will try it now

Are you planning on sharing these finds within a patch of some sort?

MR. Farrare:

--- Quote from: "TheRealDavidTwo" ---Are you planning on sharing these finds within a patch of some sort?
--- End quote ---

after I do all model yes I did durotan and thrall but can you tell me how to delete geosets for the ogres plz

MR. Farrare:
its realy hard to do the gron

The Gronn doesn't look too bad on Wrath. Maybe a few tweaks to get it up to "par" with the Wrath standards, and it should.. well, it should be good to go.


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