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new file system CASC

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I'm the author of the blte extraction tool

I''ve just added m2 files support, so make sure to clone, compile & have fun!

Also, I'm looking for some information about few file types:
rvxt, hsxg, skin

Have you ever heard about those? If yes, please drop me a message using PM on this forum :)

Also, in the github repo you can find full file list!

PS. Can't post links yet, stupid spam filter :C

Steff: ... otLK/.skin

We had hundrets spam postings with linke every day.  It is not stupid ;)

Skin files are related to m2 and also exist in prev versions.

MR. Farrare:
Im dying

Im dead now im commenting from the cemetery

Thanks for your tools Maku :)

Little tip : .revm files are just... ADT Files, revm (mver) is just the first chunk in the adt file.

Rangorn: There is more than just adts. Mutliple formats start with MVER.

Everyone: TOM_RUS's extractor is now public at


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