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Warlords of Draenor

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Axel, Garrosh didn't drink the demonblood but his father was also bloodthirsty before the demonblood. Garrosh is twice the orc Grom ever was.


--- Quote from: "phucko1" ---Axel, Garrosh didn't drink the demonblood but his father was also bloodthirsty before the demonblood. Garrosh is twice the orc Grom ever was.
--- End quote ---

In the books Grom is mentioned to be able to control his bloodthirst in battle. He is also said to have a high regard of honor, something Garrosh clearly lacks.

He was still never a good guy :P In Warlods of Draenor I even think he is the leader of the Iron Horde.

after watching the blizzcon stream I actually decided to not only return to wow, but also the modding.

cool. :)
and yea we all know garrosh is beneath that, but why?
He has a shifted vision of what the horde really is.
Maybe even a shifted image of himself.
he may have done bad, Theramore.
I hate him for that, Jaina suffered a lot from it. First Arthas, then Kael'Thas then her father and then her subjects and city ;)
as I said i want him to die a horrible death but lets just look at why he did this.


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