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Banzboyz on Ac-Webs?

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BanzBoyz is a butthurt kid, that was banned from Ownedcore and then went to AC-Web. He later starts hating on Modcraft couse of Modcraft members also being members on AC-Web, and that Modcraft should keep to Modcraft and AC-Web to Ac-Web. After Stoneharry said something like: "Uses tools and tutorials from Steff and Modcraft, but gets angry when Steff comes to AC-Web."


--- Quote from: "phucko1" ---BanzBoyz is a butthurt kid, that was banned from Ownedcore and then went to AC-Web. He later starts hating on Modcraft couse of Modcraft members also being members on AC-Web, and that Modcraft should keep to Modcraft and AC-Web to Ac-Web. After Stoneharry said something like: "Uses tools and tutorials from Steff and Modcraft, but gets angry when Steff comes to AC-Web."
--- End quote ---

Yes, I know about AC-Webs and how they steal content, and I don't think AC-Webs is the place to be if you want critism for your work, in order to evovle..

As said before, it's only the personal stuff that kinda ruins the point of that thread for me. Why have such drama there? half of the readers doesn't know about me anyway. It's kinda like Slumf and I back in the day.. Or basically how I was against slumf. Disgusting to be honest.

This is impressive, this guy has a bigger ego than me, which is not nothing  :shock:

Anyway I have to admit that he's a quite good level designer, but there are still no clue that he's still in the modding world... Did he stopped ? Did he changed his name ? Is he working secretly ?

 Well, I don't expect him to ever come here actually... Does someone here personally knows him ?

--- Quote ---Yes, I know about AC-Webs and how they steal content, and I don't think AC-Webs is the place to be if you want critism for your work, in order to evolve..
--- End quote ---

 I have to agree, the majority of the people there are not good at seeing quality : You can impress them with a quick texture swap or a quick creation.
About stealing stuff, Banzboyz disliked it a lot (even if he does the same with Blizzard's work), and he criticized Reznik a lot about his first way of working. (Which consisted into stealing other people maps and improve their quality often by swapping a lot of things) ... 26240.html
But it looks like he only does that because his own map was taken...

I think the problem here is that many people start very younginto the scene. You can see the character growth during posts :)

The good thing is that most time they get over this kindergarden at some point. Both Banz and Rez did silli things but in the end they did much good stuff and more then the most others in the scene.

In the net I always try to just ignore rude writings. I tell the board admin but dont react on it. Because it dont bring anything and only lead to flamethreads that are totaly useless.

BTW nice to have you back Elinora. Hope to see soon some stuff from you and perhaps we can do some work together.

The only thing keeping me from spamming the forums with mods, is the fact that I have no computer to mod on..

Only this laptop with a 1ghz processor and 4gb ram.. Which.. is not gonna happen :) so untill I get some workstation up and running, nothing will happen, apart from planning what to build.


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